Notifications and news

Notification Station

There are so many ways to keep up with what's happening at School of Everything, so many. But that is a good thing - they all do different things. It is up to you how you keep involved and how you hear from us and other members of School of Everything.

How does it work?

Notifications and news

Private messages

If someone sends you a message or enquiry through the site we let you know about it by sending you an email. And if they are left sitting unread for a while we send you a gentle reminder.
Notifications and news

Comment watcher

Ooh this is a good one. It watches comments for you. If you created a post or are watching one - when people comment on it we'll let you know by sending you an email.
Notifications and news


This is written by us. School of Everything stuff and things that interest us.
Notifications and news

Social networking

You can also keep up to date with all things School of Everything through Facebook and Twitter.

Helpful stuff

How will I know if people contact me through School of Everything?

If anyone sends you a message or makes an enquiry through the site we send you an email. And if it is left unread for a while we send you a gentle reminder.

Can I turn the private message notifications off?

No sorry, we think it is important that you know when people are trying to reach you through the site.

I'm not getting the private message notifications - why is that?

This might be because your email provider things we're spam and is not letting them get through. Try adding do-not-reply(at)schoolofeverything(dot)com to your email address book. This usually works.

How do I watch comments?

Thanks to the comment watcher you'll see little megaphones all over the site - if you click on them it will enable the comment watcher and we'll tell you when people comment on that post. If the megaphone is grey then it's off, if it is blue it is on and you're watching comments.

Why am I not being told when people comment on some of my posts?

This is probably because you posted them before the new comment watcher was set up. To watch them just click the little grey megaphone underneath to turn it blue and on.

I don't want to watch any comments - how do I turn off the comment watcher?

When you're logged in you'll see the comment watcher block in the right hand column - you can 'manage your comment watcher' and 'stop watching all posts' from there.

Where is the blog?

It's here. Enjoy!

How do I keep informed about new blog posts?

Well that is up to you, you can either just check it every so often for new content or if you're on Facebook or Twitter we usually shout out that we have a new blog post on there.

What is Facebook?

According to Wikipedia Facebook is a social networking website that is operated and privately owned by Facebook, Inc. Users can add friends and send them messages, and update their personal profiles to notify friends about themselves. Additionally, users can join networks organized by a workplace, school, or college.

How do I find School of Everything on Facebook?

Well there are two ways. The Facebook page is here and the Facebook group is here.

What is Twitter?

According to Wikipedia Twitter is a social networking and microblogging service that enables its users to send and read messages known as tweets. Tweets are text-based posts of up to 140 characters displayed on the author's profile page and delivered to the author's subscribers who are known as followers.

How do I follow School of Everything on Twitter?

You'll need to sign up to Twitter and here we are.

For some general help have a little look here.

Need Answers?

If you can't find the answer you're looking for, send an email to [email protected] and we will try to answer you as soon as possible.

Don't be shy, say hello. We'd love to hear from you.

[email protected]