Tutor Advice Service

How convenient would it be to have your personal tutor on hand to answer questions when you need them? Someone to help and advise you on all the basics of photography from shutter speeds to filters, from composition to night shots. Stuck on how apertures work, confused by depth of field? Can’t understand why your landscape images look so dull or why that stunning sunset, doesn’t look quite like you remember?
Well, help is at hand. Now you can have your own personal tutor to advise you on all matters of landscape and travel photography for a whole six months. Not just one day, not a week, not even a month, but six whole months worth of guidance.
This is not a tuition course. It’s up to you to progress with your photography, but if you get stuck, need help, advice or just some ideas on how to move your photography on, then this is the service for you. An extension of the basic consultancy service, meaning that you have half a year to improve your photography, with an experienced photographer to guide you along the way.
You can contact me by e-mail, whenever you need help with your photography. You can send me your pictures to review, questions about any aspect of landscape photography or the basic techniques of photography and how to make the most of your camera. All this for a whole six months, so that hopefully by the end of the service, you will have the confidence and knowledge to take your photography where you want it to go. It doesn’t matter what camera you have, compact or SLR, digital or film, total beginner or more advanced enthusiast. This service could be just what you have been looking for.
For the more advanced user, I can help you further your technique. Location advice, advanced techniques explained, guidance on equipment and which accessories will benefit your photography, advice on how to get your images published and hints and tips on all aspects of freelancing. I can also set you goals and projects to help you become proficient in your technique and keep your photography exciting.
The service costs £300 and covers:
* Six months advice centre
* Advice and help by e-mail
* Review of your images (max 5 per month)
* Help on all aspects of camera based techniques and skills
* Goals, projects, hints & tips to give your photography a boost
Lessons by Craig Roberts
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