One-One Portfolio Preparation Tutorials

£84, book 2 hours minimum = £168 per 2 hour session
One-One Tutorials are a great opportunity for you to receive quality bespoke feedback on your personal requirements, which can either lead to a successful art and design portfolio, or for the practicing artist or designer, inspire innovative ideas and concepts, alongside the exploration of materials, process and technique.
Some Art and Design Portfolio Preparation Course tutees also choose to book One-One Tutorials for finalising the organisation of their portfolio and their online Foundations, UCAS or Masters applications, as well as professional development and a change in career.
We try to be flexible and offer a choice of pay-as-you-go or block booking.
Beginners to advanced level are welcome.
Each One-One Tutorial booking is delivered in 2 hour minimum sessions. During each session you will then be set specific tasks to learn or improve that relate to your personal needs. At the end of each session an ‘Independent Study’ outline will be discussed and drawn up for you to follow through in your own time. The whole process is very bespoke led which is ideal for your university applications.
Perfect for quality One-One support and advice in the development of your personal, bespoke portfolio preparation. London Art Portfolio tutees are very successful and frequently return for support on their new courses at Foundation, Degree and post graduate level. This service is ongoing throughout the year. Many professionals use our service too, to receive professional consultation and advice, for artists’ gallery exhibitions and professional designed portfolios. We are also popular with change of career and more mature creatives.
Mornings, Daytime, Week days |
Lessons by Julia Dennis
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