FCP clean up and sort out

£59 Make an enquiry

This is a hybrid of teaching and 'tech support'. In other words this lesson is for you if you have a project that is started - or your trying to start and realised that you're in a mess: your files are all over the place, there are lots of red lines everywhere when you open FCP, your footage doesn't play properly and weird messages keep coming up that you don't understand etc etc..you get the idea.

This is a 4 hour intensive to diagnose your system, get things set up and running properly and get you familiar with how FCP likes things done. You'll also know some essential trouble shooting skills by the end.

  • I travel to students

Mornings, Daytime, Evenings, Week days, Weekends

HOW LONG: 4 Hours

LEVEL: Beginner

2 ratings

16 Dec 2011
15 Dec 2011
15 Dec 2011

About the teacher

Don't be shy, say hello. We'd love to hear from you.

[email protected]

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School of Everything is all about meeting up in the real world. Here are some tips on how to arrange your learning and teaching safely.