RNCM Violin Weekend

Friday 12 > Sunday 14 March

Welcome to The Virtuoso Violin, a weekend of concerts, masterclasses, talks and demonstrations celebrating the virtuosity of violin playing. The weekend marks the launch of the second RNCM International Violin Competition, which will take place in November 2011, and combines opportunities to hear and learn from some of the world’s leading
authorities on the violin, and to witness some of the brightest young talent in violin playing, both from the RNCM and the UK’s leading music schools.

We are particularly delighted to welcome back the winner of the fi rst RNCM International Violin Competition in 2005, Lorenzo Gatto, for a recital which features three of the greatest violin sonatas. The distinguished violinist Elizabeth Wallfi sch will give a recital of virtuoso baroque music, and we feature masterclasses by some of the RNCM’s most eminent violin tutors, Maciej Rakowski, Leland Chen, Wen Zhou Li, Yair Kless and Levon Chilingirian.
Instrument and bow makers play a central part in the weekend, many of whom will be exhibiting their instruments, and there will be an opportunity to see the intricate processes involved in the creation of some of the fi nest modern violins and bows.

I hope you are able to join us for what will be
an exciting weekend.

We are pleased to be able to offer a special discount on tickets to the weekend for those in full time education, with a 50% discount on all full price day tickets. To book, please contact the RNCM Box Office on 0161 907 5555. This offer is subject to availability, and please quote ‘Violin Educational offer’ at the Box Office when booking.

Don't be shy, say hello. We'd love to hear from you.

[email protected]