Hammersmith and Fulham Adult Learning and Skills Service

Based in
Hammersmith, London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham, United Kingdom
Make an enquiry

Hammersmith and Fulham Adult Learning and Skills Service
Provides enjoyable, successful learning opportunities for adults, employers and the community.

The service offers over 500 part-time courses, which run during the day, evening and at weekends for adults of all ages. Courses start in September, January and April.

The flexible, interesting programme is designed to meet the educational and training/skills needs of the local community and businesses. It aims to help people get back to work, update skills to improve employability or for personal development and enjoyment.

Courses are offered at all levels from complete beginners, for those who are taking first steps back to education and want help with literacy and numeracy skills, to those who are looking for a change of career, or want to brush up existing skills, to those looking for a challenge with an advanced level language course.

Specialist facilities include a Motor Vehicle Workshop, dedicated upholstery and floristry workshops, art studios, pottery, woodwork and jewellery workshops and well equipped IT suites.

Crèche – a day time crèche operates at Macbeth and Bryony centres.

We offer an Information, Advice and Guidance service – by appointment or drop-in sessions.

Additional learning support is available to help students succeed in their course and exams. We can support with: Essay writing; Note taking; English and maths; Exam techniques; Oral presentations; Study skills.

Learner Support Fund - many students are able to benefit from financial support via a discretionary fund for those on low incomes.

SLDD - We are able to offer support for students with learning and other disabilities.

Café – Cafes at Macbeth and Bryony Centres

GCSE English and Maths – for adults
Arts and Crafts
Motor Vehicle and Metal Work

Staff – our staff are one of our biggest strengths. They are friendly, supportive, encouraging and experienced at teaching adults.
Our language tutors are all native speakers and many arts and crafts tutors are successful practitioners in their own specialist field.

Curriculum areas include: Art and Design, British Sign Language, Craft, Childcare, Interpreting, IT and business, Family Learning, Health and Fitness, Humanities, Food Studies, Languages, Learning and other Disabilities, Lip-reading, Motor Vehicle Maintenance, Web Design and Skills for Life.
For information about specific courses visit: www.hfals.co.uk

Visit: www.hfals.co.uk to find out about open days and interviews.

There are three fees for most courses. The full fee, concessionary fee for those on income based benefit and a third fee for non EU students.
Skills for Life and Family Learning courses are free.
Students may pay their fees in termly instalments.

Course Information Line: 020 8600 9191
Visit: www.hfals.co.uk to find out more

Macbeth Centre
Macbeth Street
London W6 9JJ

Bryony Centre
61 Bryony Road
London W12 0SP

STUDENT STORY Sarah Hurley MAR, has just completed a teacher training programme. Sarah qualified as a reflexologist in 1998 and has worked in private practice and in a hospital environment attached to a palliative care team for nine years. Throughout this time she has continued her professional development with a number of postgraduate courses. Most recently she has completed a teacher training qualification at the Macbeth Centre. Sarah said
“I now have more confidence in my delivery and have gained an underpinning on the theory behind teaching. This has reinforced my passion for teaching my subject and has helped me to explore and experiment with a variety of delivery methods, activities and resources... I can now instil in my students the value of peer assessments and self evaluation, to promote their learning and to encourage self development. I believe my communications skills have improved and my ability to assess student needs has developed throughout this course.
The course covers many areas and has given me the structure I believe I needed to make my teaching experience and that of the students more fulfilling.”

Don't be shy, say hello. We'd love to hear from you.

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