Bruegel, Flemish painter from sixteenth century, painted about 60 pictures of mostly peasant life. Big colourful and lively pictures, but what are not so well known are his drawings and engravings.
I have taken some of them and painted in the colour scheme that I imagine Bruegel might have chosen, in order to make them more accessable.
His interests in his society were as wide ranging as Shakespeare's.
And as with Shakespeare little known about his own life yet he kept company with some of the leading Humanists of the day. His paintings are enigmatic and challenging, but also there is a great deal of humour there too.
Resources from laurenceajsmith
Peter Bruegel
I wish I had learned to touch type.
Keyboard skills are so valueable now.
I think it is time touch typing was considered to be an essential learning skill and included on the National Curriculum for primary schools.
Another essential learning skill that should be taught is how to ask questions. That sounds daft, I know , but children are not given sufficient opportunities to ask questions.
Research continues to show that the avereage number of questions asked in a school year per pupil is one a month!
Question asking is important in so many ways, towards independent learning, critical and creative thinking, to name three.
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