Resources from ranipal

scrapbook iconGURU MANTRA - Meditation music in Raga Darbari - vocals by Malyaban

Guru Pranam Mantra - Music for meditation
Raga Darbari has relaxation and sedative effects

Lyrics in Sanskrit

गुरुर्ब्रह्मा गुरुर्विष्णु र्गुरुर्देवो महेश्वरःगुरु साक्षात परब्रह्मा तस्मै श्रीगुरवे नमः

Lyrics in English

Gurur Brahma Gurur Vishnu Gurur Devo Maheshwaraha
Guru Saakshaat Para Brahma Tasmai Sri Gurave Namaha

Meaning in English

Guru is the Creator (Brahma),
Guru is the Preserver(Vishnu), GuruDeva is Destroyer(Maheshwara)
Guru is the absolute (singular) Lord himself,
Salutations to that Sri Guru

Meaning of the words

Guru: Dispeller of Darkness; Gu=Darkness, Ru=Remover

Brahma: Creator; Personification of Creating Quality of God

Vishnu: Preserver; Personification of Preserving quality of God

Deva: God

Maheshwara: Destroyer; Personification of Destroying Quality of God

Saakshaat: Self/ Himself

ParaBrahma: He who is the highest Lord; Consciousness

Tasmai: To him/ To such

Sri: Holy, splendorous

Namaha: Salutations

Malayaban Chatterjee is a well respected North Indian Classical Vocalist with skilful presentation of Alaap sargam taan
contact email [email protected]

An Asian Arts Music production
Using Raga melody with Therapeutic & Aesthetic ingredients -blending eastern and western instruments
Music and arrangement by Ragarani
contact via AsianArtsAcademy1

scrapbook iconGURU MANTRA - Meditation music in Raga Darbari - vocals by Malyaban

Guru Pranam Mantra - Music for meditation
Raga Darbari has relaxation and sedative effects

Lyrics in Sanskrit

गुरुर्ब्रह्मा गुरुर्विष्णु र्गुरुर्देवो महेश्वरःगुरु साक्षात परब्रह्मा तस्मै श्रीगुरवे नमः

Lyrics in English

Gurur Brahma Gurur Vishnu Gurur Devo Maheshwaraha
Guru Saakshaat Para Brahma Tasmai Sri Gurave Namaha

Meaning in English

Guru is the Creator (Brahma),
Guru is the Preserver(Vishnu), GuruDeva is Destroyer(Maheshwara)
Guru is the absolute (singular) Lord himself,
Salutations to that Sri Guru

Meaning of the words

Guru: Dispeller of Darkness; Gu=Darkness, Ru=Remover

Brahma: Creator; Personification of Creating Quality of God

Vishnu: Preserver; Personification of Preserving quality of God

Deva: God

Maheshwara: Destroyer; Personification of Destroying Quality of God

Saakshaat: Self/ Himself

ParaBrahma: He who is the highest Lord; Consciousness

Tasmai: To him/ To such

Sri: Holy, splendorous

Namaha: Salutations

Malayaban Chatterjee is a well respected North Indian Classical Vocalist with skilful presentation of Alaap sargam taan
contact email [email protected]

An Asian Arts Music production
Using Raga melody with Therapeutic & Aesthetic ingredients -blending eastern and western instruments
Music and arrangement by Ragarani
contact via AsianArtsAcademy1

scrapbook iconAakar - practice natural Aah to improve depth and flexibility of voice

Training your voice means following procedure, discipline and a systematic method to achieve your goal.

Rani explains Aakar - how to make your natural sound of Aah. Incorporate mandra septal (lower octave) daily practice of voice for 5- 10 minutes into your routine

scrapbook iconRiyaz for Voice - Daily Tempo practice - single double quadruple

Want to reach your voice full potential? Subscribe to AsianArtsAcademy1
YouTube training videos by Malyaban

Learn about daily tempo practice using the Hindustani music alphabet Sa Re ga ma pa Dha ni sa

scrapbook iconRiyaz for Voice - Swara - 5min practice combinations

Want to reach your voice full potential? Subscribe to AsianArtsAcademy1
YouTube training videos by Malyaban

Learn about swara the Hindustani music alphabet Sa Re ga ma pa Dha ni sa

scrapbook iconVOICE & Sound meditation

Using Simple iterative Musical rhythms
low pitched notes are capable of relaxation relieving stress, blood pressure, loneliness depression

Venue Erdington B23 6DB
Further Details contact Rani 07440383691
Cost £30 for 2 hours

Primitive man did not speak. He sang like birds.
Music had its origin in the calls of birds and animals.

Voice & Sound Meditation
for health and Healing

Think about Deep sound-experiences in Nature. They reflect a transmission of a simple, passively receptive form of music which please and relax us.

When you think of this Natural Scale, its harmony is not based on any mathematical derivations but utilise those sounds which pre-exist in Nature and can be perceived by human ear.

Nature’s scale
Some songbirds sing from repertoires which use the same rhythms and note combinations as modern composers. For example, the canyon wren also uses a 12-tone scale. The hermit thrush, on the other hand, sings in a 5 tone penta-scale which is common in this Asian music.
Similarly, we use The Raga Form which is a natural and spontaneous sound cluster or phrase – normally consisting of 5-7 notes but even the brevity of one, two, three or four notes have profound effects.
The key is that this sound is intuitive and naturally produced in you.

• Natural sounds
• Simple
• Passively receptive
• Proven Effectiveness

These Specific frequencies and their patterns (the different Ragas) have the ability to bring a myriad of changes to the body.
Among some of the beneficial changes are: increased vitality, circulation, calmness, well-being, personal growth and empowerment, energy, balanced emotions, harmonious personal growth, even a deeper connection to our Source through spiritual growth.
Why is a Raga used for health and healing?
◊A Raga is a scientific, precise, subtle and aesthetic melodic form with ascending and descending movement consisting of only 5-7 notes
◊combination of such notes has a collective frequency which when understood can be used to heal the body
What is the science and art of Raga music?
◊Ancient Indian text Swara Sastra
◊72 melakarta ragas (parent ragas) control the 72 important nerves in the body
◊Belief one sings with due devotion, adhering to the raga Lakshana (norms) and Sruti shuddhi (pitch purity)
◊Raga affect particular nerves in a favourable manner

low pitched notes are capable of relaxation
evidenced by alpha-levels of the brain waves & hormonal changes

Ragas offer mental peace
by alleviating tensions
providing an enchanting and creative diversion to the mind
Certain ragas are believed to have curative properties and effects the singer and the listener

We hope you enjoy our sessions and your personal journey experiencing sound therapy relieving stress, Blood pressure, loneliness depression etc and find new ways to enjoy your life's gifts

SADHNA meditation

Oh no, you missed it.

This event has now finished.
Concession Price:

Contact number:

Start date:
30 July 2016
End date:
30 July 2016

North Indian Classical Music celebrating Guru Purnima
Saturday 30th July
at 6pm
The Garfield Western Hall
YMCA Training & Conferencing
300 Reservoir Road, Erdington ,
Birmingham UK B23 6DB
Free Parking & Wifi
Gate Pass £10
Students £5
Further Details
Rani 07440383691

Asian Arts Academy

SUBJECTS: guru, Indian classical music (Vocal), Raga Music Live Concert

SADHANA meditation

Oh no, you missed it.

This event has now finished.

Contact number:

Start date:
30 July 2016
End date:
30 July 2016

North Indian Classical Music celebrating Guru Purnima
Saturday 30th July
at 6pm
The Garfield Western Hall
YMCA Training & Conferencing
300 Reservoir Road, Erdington ,
Birmingham UK B23 6DB
Free Parking & Wifi
Gate Pass £10
Students £5
Further Details
Rani 07440383691

Asian Arts Academy

SUBJECTS: guru, Indian classical music (Vocal), Raga Music Live Concert

SADHANA meditation

Oh no, you missed it.

This event has now finished.

Contact number:

Start date:
30 July 2016
End date:
30 July 2016

North Indian Classical Music celebrating Guru Purnima
Saturday 30th July
at 6pm
The Garfield Western Hall
YMCA Training & Conferencing
300 Reservoir Road, Erdington ,
Birmingham UK B23 6DB
Free Parking & Wifi
Gate Pass £10
Students £5
Further Details
Rani 07440383691

Asian Arts Academy

SUBJECTS: guru, Indian classical music (Vocal), Raga Music Live Concert

scrapbook iconCelebrating 400 years - Shakespeare’s Sonnet XVII with Romantic Raga Rageshwari

a pioneering elevation
of movement
music & meditation

SAngeeT SAndesh wOrkshop & cOncert

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This event has now finished.

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Start date:
End date:

The Hive
Sunday 17th July
workshop at 6pm concert at 7pm
DhyaaanYogic Sound Meditations

a pioneering elevation
of movement
music & meditation
& Sonnets
Celebrating 400 years
Sonnet XVII

5 Belmont
Shropshire UK
Gate Pass £12
Refreshments available
Telephone 01743 234970
or Tom Stacey 07974810254

SUBJECTS: Raga Music Live Concert, sound therapy and energy healing, yoga and meditation

scrapbook icon400 years - 4000 years meet with SONNETS & RAGAS

Let's Celebrate the 23rd April 2016
400 years - 4000 years meet with SONNETS & RAGAS

Calling all musicians and poet readers
Please contact Rani 07440383691 if you would like to contribute to an album of music of Shakespeare's words to music....

Any genre of music set to any of Shakespeare's words...or just the spoken word and we will set this to music...

please get in touch if you want to record this or send in an MP3 recording to [email protected]

and we will add to the album

Let's work together to celebrate Shakepeare's greatness

scrapbook iconOm Sol Vibrationum Aum

TransVibrations Om Sol -

Sol Vibrationum
The entire Sun vibrations are from a complex pattern of acoustical waves. The Sun's sound waves are normally at frequencies too low for the human ear to hear. To be able to hear them, the scientists sped up the waves 42,000 times -- and compressed 40 days of vibrations into a few seconds to reveal The Sound of OM.

Om - AUM
In the beginning there was only primordial vibration. These vibrations articulated into sound - a sound of one syllable but consisting of three phonemes. This original vibration was, is, always shall be Aum.

Aum's meaning is a paradox of simplicity, complexity - infinite, finite - shapeless, formed - inexpressible, tangible.

scrapbook iconChandan Piya - Fifty Palta & Five Raga

Palta & Raga
Approach to learning
North Indian Classical Music
Shree Malyaban Chatterjee

Music has always been a part of living culture. Music is capable of improving happiness, peace, health and concentration. It is however important to know the method and duration for which Music is to be experienced and practised.
The devotional and Raga music of India is a whole universe of spiritual possibilities that we can come to know more and more intimately through regular disciplined learning and practice. This kind of music practice is called Riyaz.

The Chandan Piya handbook to start your journey of learning - from Fifty Palta (sargam pattern) structured practice, we hope you formulate a daily method of practise to enrich and optimise your
voice. Each palta should be practised for minimum of 7 days. This dedication toward your Riyaz will create a desire to continue this learning life-long. We set out Teen Taal (16beats) to practice with
each palta, but introduce you to another five tala.

scrapbook iconPoet Knight - music in Raga Bhimpalasi

Poet Knight - our music is dedicated in memory of the sad and untimely loss from this world

In Loving memory of a beautiful Woman's Life.......
who died on 28th December 2012 in India

O precious thought, let it last for longest delight
O longest night, let it end to see first light
O first love, let it remain as a poet's right

O Sweet Poet Knight
Can you bestow one longing sight?
To turn this world's wrong into precious Right......

scrapbook iconLearning Raga Bhairav - bandish teaching by Shri Malyaban

As the name indicates Bhairav or Shiv, seated on terrace of golden pillars with Parvati, attended by musicians and chauri bearer. It is early hours of the dawn around sunrise and stars are still visible. Bhairava is sung at this time during the months of September and October.

Bhairav bear feelings of a sunrise, love, yet a touch of melancholy.
Raga Bhairav, when it is played in its pure form, can truly cause one to imagine the sunrise, and the start of a new day. The re and dha receive an andolan or a light shake, which results in an extra flattening of a tone. The shake and extra flattening of these notes indicate the sun is beginning its attempt to rise. An extra embellishment of the tonic is caused by embracing N.

scrapbook iconRagas of Our Time - Learn Raga Bilawal - Bandish teaching by Shri Malyaban

Learning a Raga – Second Part Bandish

Raga Bandish, Cheez or Gat is a fixed, melodic composition in Hindustani vocal or instrumental music. It is set in a specific raga, performed with rhythmic accompaniment by a tabla or pakhavaj, a steady drone, and melodic accompaniment by a sarangi or harmonium.

The words of a bandish are not necessarily wonderful poetry, they seldom are. What makes a bandish sublime is the three-way relationship it establishes between words, the rhythmic cycle and the melody.

Braj bhasha is the main language of Hindustani classical music compositions. According to ancient Hindu texts such as the Shrimad Bhagavatam, the kingdom of King Kams is described as spreading through the Braj (also known as Vrij or Vraj), where the incarnation of Krishna was born and spent his childhood days. This region lies in the Agra-Mathura area, and stretches as far as the environs of Delhi. In modern India, this area lies mostly in northwestern Uttar Pradesh, the eastern extremities of Rajasthan and the southern extremities of Haryana. Today Braj Bhoomi can be seen as a cultural-geographical entity rather than a proper state. It is the vernacular of the region and boasts a rich culture and literature by famous poets like Surdas, Bhai Gurdas and Amir Khusro.

scrapbook iconRaga Bairagi 'Ma Sarada' vocals by Shri Malyaban Chatterjee

Raga Bairagi has an enchanting and devotional property, beyond most of the Bhairava That ragas.

The raga contains five notes with a great level of harmony between each notes, S, r, m, P, n and S. This raga is heard usually in light classical musical areas and devotional settings.

Raga Bairagi, also known as Raga Bairaga Bhairava, is a raga based on the South Indian raga, Revati.

Raga Bairagi originates from the parent scale (Thaat) Bhairav and it is a pentatonic (auduv-auduv) raga.

Important notes are Ma’ and Sa.

‘Aroha’ (ascending) : Sa Re Ma’ Pa Ni Sa
‘Avaroha’(descending) : SaNiPa Ma Re Ni Re Sa

PRISM of PARADISE North Indian Classical music CD available

Contact Asian Arts Academy (Rani tel (0044) 07979454365)
or visit

scrapbook iconHuman Colours by Embers on Ice (Music in Raga Kalavati)

Can you forgive my Human Colours?

Silent Snowfall - Purer white is fairer still when the splash of Human colours reveal within

These are the tears of the forgiven
Can you forgive my Human Colours?

Using the Raga form in expressing lyrical melody - the ancient formula of inherent therapeutic quality ensures it soothes the Mind, Body and Soul. Combining this with western music instrumentation, it bursts a flavour of the new generation.

Further information, please contact

email [email protected]

MALYABAN CHATTERJEE Mobile 0091 - 9051-777-077
UK Mobile - 00447503-972-949 Website -

scrapbook icon'This Devotion' by Embers on Ice (Music in Raga Ragreshree)

Using the Raga form in expressing lyrical melody - the ancient formula of inherent therapeutic quality ensures it soothes the Mind, Body and Soul. Combining this with western music instrumentation, it bursts a flavour of the new generation.

The western chords and notation has posed some difficulties when combining this with Raga scale.

'This Devotion' is based on Raga Rageshree in a setting so that west and east music meet in a soothing manner.....

....This Devotion has no cure, no beginning or an end, Having but never having, Living but never living, This eternal fire, A burning desire......

email: [email protected]

scrapbook iconWahe Guru in Raga Yaman Fusion - vocals Shri Malyaban

Waheguru means "Wonderful Teacher" in the Punjabi language.

Wahi means "wonderful" (a Middle Persian borrowing) and "Guru" (Sanskrit: गुरु) is a term denoting "teacher".

Waheguru is also described by some as an experience of ecstasy which is beyond all descriptions.

"Waheguru" is the distinctive representation of God's name in the Sikh tradition.

Wahe Guru features the eternal words of the Sikh Gurus in Raga Yaman Fusion music by Bally Rai and Vocals by Shri Malyaban Chatterjee....

Look out for more beautiful bring you peace, happiness and relaxation in life's turmoils


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