Visit my website and choose any of the free articles that interest you.
Resources for Confidence building

Brighton Hove Alexander Technique BN3“Allow your neck to be free in such a way that your head can go forwards & upwards” |

Personal growth and wellbeing blog
A free resource for anyone who is interested in personal development, growth and wellbeing - a safe place to reflect on life's challenges and regain your strength. An honest look at what we go through in life, what it teaches us and how to live consciously and confidently.

Communication Skills
If you are part of the sales team of your company, it is really important that you invest in your communication skills so you will be able to sell the products or services that you need to let go of.

PsyCentral Blog with Psychologist, Coach, Author & Broadcaster Dr Gary Wood - offering a psychological perspective on human social life including current affairs; hug, gender & relationships plus learning, development and coaching insights and tips. . . the odd acerbic comment and the occasional rant.

PsyCentral Blog with Psychologist, Coach, Author & Broadcaster Dr Gary Wood - offering a psychological perspective on human social life including current affairs; hug, gender & relationships plus learning, development and coaching insights and tips. . . the odd acerbic comment and the occasional rant.

21 bad habits
A helpful Amazon reviewer has taken the time to summarise the 21 bad habits (well, 20 actually) outlined by Marshall Goldsmith in his book "What Got You Here Won't Get You There".
I've reposted them below:
Letting winning get in the way of relationships you need
Dropping too many ideas on those who work for you
Being judgmental rather than helpful
Slamming people in public or behind their backs
Making comments that indicate you disagree with everything that's just been said
Showing off how smart you think you are
Saying anything in anger
Being negative

Inspired teaching - free e-course
My friend Nick worked on this course with a friend of his who has sadly passed away, but he's made it available now for free in his memory. It includes a PDF guide plus two hours of supporting audio comprising seven easy lessons in how to identify what you know and competently teach it.
As Nick says, "we would love you to have access to Rick’s material free of charge – with just one condition – please use the material to teach what you have to share."
Might be of interest to all those "long-time learners, first-time teachers" out there?

Digital Health Service
My friend Gavin runs this great service that runs workshops in 'digital health' and provides tools to help people have more positive and productive relationships with technology. I may need to book myself an appointment...

The Mindapples Test
What's the mental health equivalent of five-a-day? Take the test and decide for yourself what *you* can do to manage your mind.
Unlimited Resources
Every member of School of Everything can add notes, links, videos, images, documents and other things to the site that help people learn or teach a particular subject. If you're learning, you can use it to keep track of your progress in your subjects and all the things that help you learn like useful websites or how-to videos.
If you're teaching, you can share useful resources and advice that you think will help people learn you subjects. You can tag each resource post with one or more subjects, and your posts will appear to other people looking for those subjects.
Don't be shy, say hello. We'd love to hear from you.
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