Your adored one proposed on Valentine's Day and astonished you with a heartfelt evening and staggering wedding band. We wish you congrats on your commitment! You and your life partner may have concluded you don't need a long commitment period, however rather are prepared to begin your wedded life now.
Resources for supervisor
Online Lead Management
Marketable is a customizable lead management platform for converting leads into guaranteed customers. The software is a web-based system, favorable for businesses with offices at multiple locations or even for people who are working from remote places or even homes.
Casa Verde's Nicaraguan siteThis is a view from the beautiful Casa Verde site in Nicaragua. Casa Verde’s Student Center in Nicaragua is being built using sustainable materials and indigenous practices to the furthest extent possible. This supports not only a healthy and engaged lifestyle at Casa Verde, but all infrastructure and buildings will be used as a living educational tools. The facility itself will be a model to demonstrate how to replicate these practices and give students hands on experience with green and alternative systems. |
Skills for Life and Management courses
Solomon Training website
Talking about Focus
Gerard O'Donovan shares you something about focus and how it will help you. Find it out.
Required 35 PMP contact hours for $35 online
ProXalt is still offering its Flash based 35 hour course for the Project Management Professional exam for only $35. The thirty five hours are required by PMI - the Project Management Institute - when applying to sit for the Project Management Professional (PMP) certification exam. PMI requires proof of 35 hours or more of coursework in project management.
The Facebook Generation vs. the Fortune 500
Great article (via @guykawasaki) on how the expectations of the next generation are reshaping the businesses they work for. 12 points about how the new workplace will need to reflect the principles of the social web.
Here are my favourites:
* All ideas compete on an equal footing.
* Leaders serve rather than preside.
* Resources get attracted, not allocated.
Stop reading your damn email !
I was into email about a decade ago. These days I prefer to avoid communication forms that demand my attention. I can definitely recommend ending an email (and twitter) (and RSS) addiction.
21 bad habits
A helpful Amazon reviewer has taken the time to summarise the 21 bad habits (well, 20 actually) outlined by Marshall Goldsmith in his book "What Got You Here Won't Get You There".
I've reposted them below:
Letting winning get in the way of relationships you need
Dropping too many ideas on those who work for you
Being judgmental rather than helpful
Slamming people in public or behind their backs
Making comments that indicate you disagree with everything that's just been said
Showing off how smart you think you are
Saying anything in anger
Being negative
New 2009 brochure available
I know that it is only just past Christmas, but thought that you would want to be the first to know that our latest 2009 information brochure is available.
A "must have" for any serious business student or corporate training manager.
email - [email protected] - today & we will be delighted to send you a copy
Happy New Year!
The nature of power is changing
Great 'world 1.0 -> world 2.0' post from Euan Semple. Best line:
"It is not about technology but about a shift in behaviours from a command and control mentality to an instigate and nurture one."
Leadership as service
In a representative democracy, I think people will cede authority to a leader if they think they won't lose their power. But in social media projects, they will only allow someone to lead them if their power will increase.
The more active and engaged the population becomes, or needs to become, the more the task of leading them becomes about enabling and serving, and not setting directions or crushing dissent. Those dissenting energies are still valuable energies, and the direction is chosen by the crowd.
Unlimited Resources
Every member of School of Everything can add notes, links, videos, images, documents and other things to the site that help people learn or teach a particular subject. If you're learning, you can use it to keep track of your progress in your subjects and all the things that help you learn like useful websites or how-to videos.
If you're teaching, you can share useful resources and advice that you think will help people learn you subjects. You can tag each resource post with one or more subjects, and your posts will appear to other people looking for those subjects.
Don't be shy, say hello. We'd love to hear from you.