Acting For Adults
Amanda Fairclough now runs beginners group acting courses just for adults!
This course is for anyone who has an interest in a acting and the performing arts. This new course has been designed just for adults and caters for everyone's needs whether your looking for fun, social, new skills or even a career change!
The Performing Arts Company
The Performing Arts Company has been created to provide drama and creative arts to children age 6 - 18 yrs. Our aim is to make the arts more available and accesible to all school children. We at The Performing Arts Company believe that drama isn't just about 'acting' but also provides an outlet for self expression, it develops imagination and artisitc awareness; it increases social and mental freedom, fluency of speech, self respect, self confidence and above all... it's FUN!
Drama gives students the opportunity to learn how to co-operate with others, aids orderly thinking and the ability to organise. The benefits do not only accrue through students participating actively in dramatic activity, they also learn through observing others.
The Performing Arts Company will provide what we hope you will see as the perfect balance of education, play, and stimulation. We run to a carefully planned curriculum paying equal attention to ALL our student's needs. We are committed to a two way communication process with our parents to ensure that we have total understanding and support.
We at The Performing Arts Company use practical explorations on how to make, perform and respond to drama. Our workshops encourage students with:
Self Expression
Team Working Skills
Speaking and Listening
Emotional Intelligence
Community Involvement
Development of Practical, Creative and Intellectual Skills
Use The Student's Own Work As A Stimulus
Understand The Importance Of The Process
Cross Cirricular Links With Literacy
And FUN!
We commit ourselves to putting on at least two shows a year for parent's, family and friend's to view the student's work and progress.
We also now have the agency Just Kidz Management for student's who wish to take acting further.