Greg White
Am recently retired psychotherapist(15 years exp here in Ireland) in private pract of jungian and buddhist oriented tradition. Am intrigued by this site, as familiar with Ivan Illich and his ideas about different approaches to learning.
I ret.because worn out by a too long, too heavy psychopathological workload, my physical health deteriorated.
My expertise is in dream interpretation and related imagistic techniques aiding meta cognitive levels.
I continue to be a mental health reform activist, assocated with www.mindfreedomireland.My teachers are those inst.and stig by the mhsystem I contiue agitating for its much needed reform, advocating partnership with the many gifted and 'creatively maladjusted' individuals who have come through `mental illness' despite the mh system.
We are about to have broadband installed here at our home in West Cork, and have visa credit card charging facilities for would be client-as my wife is an artist.
So Online Dream Interpretation in the above genre would I am sure be a useful addendum to ones personal development and creative learning.
Last login: 12 years 19 weeks ago
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