Karl Jenkinson
Since the age of 7, Karl has been fascinated by and trained extensively in various Martial Arts. Kung Fu has always had it's place in his heart and since 2000 Karl has been fortunate enough to train under the tutelage and guidance of Sifu Chan.
The Kamon Wing Chun System of Self Defence promotes accelerated learning using a simple and pragmatic approach. Classes are conducted in a relaxed and friendly environment. All ages groups and abilities work together.
We understand that for some people simply getting through the door the first time, is an acheivement, in itself. We never foget,everybody was a new student, once.
We aim to build confidence from the inside out. A strong spirit, a strong body, a strong mindset.
Come and see what we do - the door is always open.
One-to-one lessons
Group Classes
Kamon Wing Chun
full details incl maps on www.kamonwingchun.com
Come and watch a class first. You can see the students and the instructor and ask as many questions as you like. Pay for a month's tuition, come and train, after that, you will know whether it's for you or not. At that point, we ask that you pay your annual membership, currently, £42.00 per month incl. of insurance. Fees are £40.00 per month by standing order with no minimum commitment, other than yourself.
Last login: 11 years 7 weeks ago
Web links
Don't be shy, say hello. We'd love to hear from you.