Mark Abadi

Psychology Holistic Therapy teacher

Based in
Manchester, United Kingdom
Also teaches in I am able to teach globally
Mark Abadi | Psychology Holistic Therapy teacher

Rates: Coaching - £45 /hr - Meditation - £30 / hr - 1/2 day rate £450, full day rate £700

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Mark is a Complementary Holistic Therapist, Quantum Scientist and Spiritual Teacher who works from a place of inclusion and not exclusion. He is an expert in the interaction of the mind, body matrix and at maximising change through a multileveled therapy practice. He holds a therapeutic space of acceptance and non judgement for his clients so that they can release their blockages.

Mark expands upon his degrees in Psychology to include the quantum world where any change is possible at any distance. He is an international teacher, helping those working in the field of energy medicine understand the science behind their fantastic art and those outside understand the art to their fantastic science. One of his missions is to expand conscious awareness of the mechanisms behind in-formational (energy) medicine and help facilitate a new global integrated medicine transformation.

Mark has travelled widely continually lecturing and working with masters from quantum physics to spiritual exploration and growth. He explains:

‘All of us are one with existence and by this reflection we can all gain greater awareness of the issues that hold us back from happiness. Become aware of your ’buttons’ people push and you become the master of your own world’.

Mark holds interactive and dynamic workshops & seminars in Meditation, Loving Touch, Massage, Energy Medicine & Quantum Sciences. Working with organisations and individuals he continues to deliver holistic intervention programs, which bridge the gap between science and spirituality.

Most recently he has delivered keynote presentations to such groups as: Association of Chartered Energy Psychologist (ACEP), Alternative and Complementary Health Research Network (ACHRN), Association of Chartered Physiotherapists working with Energy Medicine (ACPEM), The College of Psychic Studies (CPS), Inner Potential Centre, World Academy of BioMedical Technology (WABT), International Medical University of Natural Education (IMUNE), The Institute for Strategic Research (ISR) & The International Conference on Global Conflicts & Terrorism; Scientific Validation and The International Technical Evaluation of Ancient Medical Systems (SVTEAMS II); Quantum Touch, ISSSEES, the BodyTalk Association & Quantum Energy Medicine Conference.

A visiting lecturer for the Zoroastrian College NGO, India; The International Medical University of Natural Education (IMUNE) & CAIRN – A cross cultural awareness training NGO.

Group Classes

Meditation for Chaotic Minds

As well as the lengthy guided group meditation, the course will include group discussion and exercises on:

Meditation Postures and positions
Breathing techniques
Mantras - sounds and effects
Physiology √ Chakras, Auras and Auric Hygiene
Environmental √ Clearing Space for change
Philosophy of consciousness
Advancing your meditation √ discovering your true self

Advanced Classes

This will be held from 7:30pm till 9pm on a Sunday nights and is by invitation only. These classes are not for everyone and are designed to support those who are interested in discovering the levels of consciousness behind their own perception and egos.

It's a: 
The Balance Studio, Manchester
Cecil Rd, Hale, Cheshire, WA15, Manchester, United Kingdom
Date and time: 
Every Sunday from 1st Feb 6-7:30 - 4 week course
£33 for 4 week course


Aimed at: Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced.
Online teaching offered

Last login: 14 years 49 weeks ago

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