Tuesday Laveau

burlesque teacher

Based in
Bristol, United Kingdom
Tuesday  Laveau | burlesque teacher

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They say that dancing is the most fun you can have with your clothes on, well Burlesque is the most fun you can have taking your clothes off! Learn how to move with grace and skill and keep your audience of 500 , or just one in rapture.

Burlesque means the world to me. I have showcased the art of strip tease all over the UK as well as at the the city at the heart of Burlesque, New Orleans Louisiana. Red lipstick, lashes of liquid eye-liner and silk stockings can be your greatest assest in building your confidence and getting your mojo working. I can show you the most graceful way to slip an opera glove off your arm and a seamed stocking down your leg, how to make 'em howl with a bump and grind, working up to your grand finale, pneumatic tassle twirling.

I also offer workshops in the fine art of tassle making.

Please check out my myspace www.myspace.com/TuesdayLaveau for more information about me as a Burlesque perfomer and for details of my upcoming shows.

Tuesday Laveau x

Group Classes

Deadly is the Female Burlesque Workshop

Please e-mail Deadly is the Female at [email protected] for more details.

It's a: 
Deadly is the Female
Frome, United Kingdom
Date and time: 
February 6th 5.30pm till 7pm


Last login: 14 years 29 weeks ago

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