Xiang Li

Chinese Mandarin tutor teacher

Based in
London, Greater London, United Kingdom
Also teaches in London
Xiang Li | Chinese Mandarin tutor teacher

Rates: 25/hour

Make an enquiry Phone: +44(0)744 801 9958

I have 5 years of experience in language tutoring, both English and Chinese.

I have been working as an interpreter and translator in Shanghai, China for about 5 years. In order to pursue a higher level of professionalism, I did my Master in Conference Interpreting and Translation Studies in Leeds University and graduated in July 2011. I am now seeking to continue my interpreting and translating career in London.


5 years of Chinese/English tutoring in Shanghai and Leeds

I teach : chinese, English, translation and interpreting

I also worked as an in-house language tutor in Cisco Shanghai and did my interpreting internship with the United Nations

Apr 2007 - Feb 2012

Educational history

MA in Conference Interpreting and Translation Studies: Pass with Merit

September, 2009 - September, 2011
University of Leeds


Aimed at: Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced.

Make an enquiry Phone: +44(0)744 801 9958

Last login: 12 years 36 weeks ago

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