Jenny Alexander was born in London, but her love of wild open spaces took her first to the Shetland Islands and finally to Cornwall, where she now lives.
Jenny is a children's writer, with several books already published and more on the way. And she juggles this busy career with a passion for teaching creative writing.
"I got into teaching through school visits, which most children's writers do," she explains. "I really started to enjoy it when I volunteered to do 6 workshops in my local primary a few years ago. That was such a buzz that I offered to do an after-school club the following term - and found that it was packed every week. Then, at the end of term, the children presented me with a box of gifts, and each child said something about why they had chosen them for me. That was one of my best moments!"
Jenny also teaches creative writing classes for adults, in which she focuses on helping her students find their own creative resources. "A little mantra I was given at a public speaking workshop is: 'I know what I know and I'm glad that I know it,' she says. And she is keen to help others find confidence for themselves. Her attitude to creativity? "Spread the joy!"