Anthony Hunnisett

ballroom dancing teacher

Based in
Solihull, United Kingdom
Also teaches in St Helens Church Hall Solihull B91 2DA

Rates: £7.00 per person for Group Classes

Make an enquiry Phone: 1564779267 or 07901816233

We teach Ballroom & Latin Dancing in Group Classes and/or private tuition at St Helens Church Hall St Helens Road Solihull B91 2DA
Classes on Tuesday evenings.
Also we run Saturday night Social Dances at Dickens Heath Village Hall B90 1SD


MR Tony Hunnisett

We have been teaching in Solihull and surrounding areas for some 35 years.
Tony is also a Championship Adjudicator and has Adjudicated in many European and Scandinavian countries over the years.

Jan 1984 - Dec 2019


Aimed at: Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced.

Make an enquiry Phone: 1564779267 or 07901816233

Last login: 1 year 49 weeks ago

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