Back to basics: our values

In the early days of School of Everything we decided to write down our values when it came to education. We never really put them in the foreground on the site but as a team we're having a bit of a think about this kind of thing and we thought it might be worth revisiting them. Do they still hold up? Have we stuck to them? Are there ones that have developed as we've gone along. Would be really great to get your views. Here's what we said two years ago.

"We don't have a manifesto or a blueprint for the future of education, but there are a few shared values behind what we're trying to do:

  • Learning is personal: People tend to learn best when they can choose what, when and how they learn - and when they can find the right people to learn with.
  • Learning starts with what you're interested in: It doesn't matter how long you're shut in a classroom, you won't learn anything unless you want to. But start with what you're interested in and it's surprising how fast you pick things up.
  • We like face-to-face: The internet's a marvellous thing, but spending your whole life glued to a screen does strange things to the brain. So our focus is on helping people find real-time, offline, face-to-face learning.
  • We're open-minded: We don't mind whether you use the School of Everything to organise a public course or a private lesson, a book group or a game of Hide and Seek. And whether or not you charge money, that's cool with us.
  • Everyone has something to teach, and everyone has something to learn: This is the most important bit. Expertise, experience and excellence are to be admired, but there's knowledge and wisdom all over the place. We want to help everyone unlock it."

Don't be shy, say hello. We'd love to hear from you.

[email protected]