Learn stuff

Whether it's hot new dance moves to impress your friends; brushing up on a foreign language before your holiday; extra help with your academic studies or just want to try something completely new - School of Everything is for you. Tell us where you are, choose the subjects you're interested in and we'll help you find relevant teachers, lessons and courses.

Teach things

We're always looking for great teachers. School of Everything is the place for you to share your knowledge with others for hard cash or just for the love of it. Start advertising with us for free and find new students. As well as advertising your good self instantly to all School of Everything members, it will bump you up the Google searches. What are you waiting for?

General help

Have a little look to see if the answer you need is here. If it's not, don't worry you can have a look at the forum to see if anyone has answered it there or you can sent an email to [email protected]. We're happy to help.

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If you can't find the answer you're looking for, send an email to [email protected] and we will try to answer you as soon as possible.

Don't be shy, say hello. We'd love to hear from you.

[email protected]