Teach things

What's your specialist subject?

We're always looking for great teachers. School of Everything is the place for you to share your knowledge with others for hard cash or just for the love of it. Start advertising with us for free and find new students. As well as advertising your good self instantly to all School of Everything members, it will bump you up the Google searches. What are you waiting for?

How does it work?

Teach things

1. Create a teaching profile.

See our top tips below on how to get the best from creating a teaching profile.
Teach things

2. List and promote lessons and find students.

Teachers can create lessons on School of Everything. Get new students.
Teach things

3. Be easily searchable by subject and location.

As long as you've set your location and tagged your profile with relevant subjects you'll be very easy to find.

Top tips


What do you look like?

Perhaps most important is to put a good picture on your profile. It makes it 5 times more likely that people will click on your profile. That's a good start isn't it?

About you

Tell us a little bit about yourself.

Don't give your life story but filling in this section on your teaching profile helps students decide if you're the teacher for them.


Where are you?

Setting your location is very important. Make it as local as possible because all search results are sorted by location first. This is important for cities such as London.


What do you teach?

Choose the simplest way of explaining the subject you teach. When adding subjects to your teaching profile it is better to add them separately. i.e. 'French'; 'Spanish' rather than 'French and Spanish' We now automatically show related teachers and subjects (ask Russell from Team Everything about Matchy Matchy).


Keep in touch.

There are a number of ways for students to contact you through School of Everything so make sure you're set up for them all. Have you sorted your Marketplace settings? Well you should.


Spread the word.

Why not put the link to your School of Everything profile in your email footer? The more you link, the more Google loves you; the more Google loves you, the higher up in Google searches you get; the higher up in Google searches you get, the more people see your teaching profile; the more people see your teaching profile, the more students you get; the more students you get, the happier you get. That's the main thing. Phew.

Helpful stuff

I’ve never taught before – can I create a teaching profile on School of Everything?

Absolutely! We believe that everyone has something to teach, and everyone has something to learn. We don't make any judgements about how qualified you are to teach your subject. But to help learners pick the right teacher for them, please provide as much information as possible about your teaching experience, educational history, achievements, qualifications and safety checks on your profile. There you are.

Can I teach more than one subject?

Of course you can. The trick is to write your profile clearly enough to give potential students a clear picture of what you're offering. For example, if you teach maths, but you also like to do a little poker coaching; the most important thing is to make sure 'maths' and 'poker' are both included in your "Subjects I teach", so people can find you for both subjects. Then you can use your one-liner to describe yourself as a "maths and poker teacher" or the like, so people know to click on you from the search results. Then back that up with some background to your experience with maths AND poker in the about me section. You might also want to add some "private teaching" classes for maths and poker, and add a bit more information there. Even if you only teach one main subject, it's still a good idea to tag yourself with lots of subjects related to that so that more people can find you.

Do I have to charge for my services?

Only if you want to. We want to help teachers get new business and teach more of what they enjoy. But if you want to swap your skills or help people for free, that's fine too. Just tick the appropriate boxes when you're creating your teaching profile.

How do I edit my teaching profile?

If you're not happy with your profile you can edit it at any time, it's easy - just log in and click on the little orange 'Edit' button on your profile page and edit away.

I run an organisation that provides teaching services - can I advertise with you?

Yes you can. School of Everything now has organisation profiles, to find out more about them have a little look here. It's up to you if you sign up as an individual teacher to offer your services or sign up on behalf of your organisation.

For some general help have a little look here.

Need Answers?

If you can't find the answer you're looking for, send an email to [email protected] and we will try to answer you as soon as possible.

Don't be shy, say hello. We'd love to hear from you.

[email protected]