Resources for Everything

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    Mary Harrington posted a Blog entry on 12 September 2007 - 9:57am.

    It works! It works!

    So yesterday Emily signed up to the School of Everything with a view to teaching. And the first thing that happened was that she found Toby's teacher profile and wanted to learn from him.

    We've been banging on for ages about how everyone's got something to teach, and everyone's got something to learn. And we built this thing at least partly to prove that. Aaaaand...

    It works! It works!

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    Mary Harrington posted a Blog entry on 10 September 2007 - 4:35pm.

    And summer's finally arrived!

    We had our first team meeting post-Seedcamp this afternoon - on the balcony, in the sunshine. Best way to have a team meeting, officially, EVAH.

    We took turns going over what each of us personally learned from the week, and spent a bit of time figuring out how best to use that to kick the next few weeks off.

    I don't know if it was the sunshine, the prospects, the energy we've all got for getting going - but I'm feeling pretty excited about the future here at the School of Everything.

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    Unlimited Resources

    Every member of School of Everything can add notes, links, videos, images, documents and other things to the site that help people learn or teach a particular subject. If you're learning, you can use it to keep track of your progress in your subjects and all the things that help you learn like useful websites or how-to videos.

    If you're teaching, you can share useful resources and advice that you think will help people learn you subjects. You can tag each resource post with one or more subjects, and your posts will appear to other people looking for those subjects.

    Learn more.

    Don't be shy, say hello. We'd love to hear from you.

    [email protected]

    Stay safe

    School of Everything is all about meeting up in the real world. Here are some tips on how to arrange your learning and teaching safely.