Learn Information Technology and computing near Earth

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People teaching Information Technology and computing

bharat entrant

computer science teacher

Desmond Haynes

computer science teacher
United States

Kate Acevedo

computer science teacher

Parisha Khan

computer science teacher
United States

Payal Dutt

computer science teacher

James Watson

Computer Science and... teacher

PS Arniya

computer science teacher

Dev Chaudhary

computer science teacher

sandeep kaur

computer science teacher

anjali siva

programming teacher

Akin Chaktty

computer science teacher

Vijay-Singh Chauhan

computer science teacher

Mallika Mallika

computer science tutor

Hassaan Shah

computer science teacher

Nishant Kumar

computer science teacher

Antony Joseph

computer science lecturer

Joanes Lucio Ferreira

Physics and Mathematics teacher

little Fermat

Mathematics + Computing expert

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School of Everything is all about meeting up in the real world. Here are some tips on how to arrange your learning and teaching safely.