Martin King

Wing Chun Kung Fu instructor

Based in
Leeds, United Kingdom
Also teaches in Leeds
Martin King | Wing Chun Kung Fu instructor

Rates: £5 for a two hour Group session - First Class FREE

Make an enquiry Phone: 07885 259 233

I teach Wing Chun and we practice our Kung Fu in a friendly relaxed environment, helping each other by training with honest intentions, we aim to develop the skills that characterize Wing Chun Kung Fu and believe that the physical ability to apply those skills goes hand in hand with a clear understanding of how and why it works. We learn by doing and practice our form with a focused intent.

From day one, you will learn simple yet effective techniques that can be used in self defence without the need for muscular strength or an aggressive disposition. Wing Chun is noted for fast combinations and cat like reflexes, our introductory course teaches how to throw chain punches and efficient defensive techniques while building a strong foundation for Wing Chun’s distinctive stance.

Wing Chun has a narrow stance that is suited for a close range fighting style. The Wing Chun forms teach us how to root into a solid structure while remaining balanced and fully mobile when necessary.

As well as fighting techniques, LWC students practice; self control, personal discipline, confident approach and a respect for others through a gentle and understanding nature. Discussions of fight psychology and shared experiences play a part in our training ethic.


Aimed at: Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced.

Make an enquiry Phone: 07885 259 233

Last login: 13 years 6 weeks ago

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