Resources for social by social

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    Andy Gibson posted a link on 9 January 2009 - 11:36am.

    Lessons learned from 37 Signals

    Great summary of Jason Fried's talk at SXSW 2008, sharing his learnings from building Basecamp, Ruby on Rails etc etc. Great tips for tech start-ups and software project managers everywhere.

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    Clive Holtham posted a link on 8 January 2009 - 11:06pm.

    Review of event on public service delivery

    open systems, anti-bureaucracy, opening data and services

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    Andy Gibson posted a link on 6 January 2009 - 12:46am.

    IT procurement: some harsh lessons

    Nice post about the perils of building or buying IT systems. Lots of good lessons learned.

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    Clive Holtham posted a link on 2 January 2009 - 5:51pm.

    Excellent review of online facilitation

    This is by Ed Mitchell who used to edit the successful Knowledge Board online community.

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    Amy Sample Ward posted a link on 2 January 2009 - 1:34pm.

    Social by Social tag on Delicious

    this is a link to the tag 'socialbysocial' which will pull together saved items by anyone on delicious using this tag.

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    Amy Sample Ward posted a link on 13 December 2008 - 2:45pm.

    Dave Briggs on social reporting

    Dave follows up David Wilcox's piece about his work in Portugal, with commentary about his own project in Stockholm.

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    Clive Holtham posted a link on 9 December 2008 - 7:50pm.

    Generation Y attitudes

    Toby Ward says:
    "Consider for a moment the powerful Telindus study of 1,000 European employees that should serve as a warning to all employers and communicators:

    39% of 18 to 24 year-old employees would consider leaving itheir employer if they were not allowed to access sites like Facebook and YouTube

    A further 21% indicated that they would feel 'annoyed' by such a ban

    The problem is less acute with 25 to 65 year-olds, of whom just 16% would consider leaving and 13% would be annoyed "

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    Clive Holtham posted a link on 7 December 2008 - 9:47pm.

    Participative citizenship

    "Us Now" new film by Ivo Gormley including various UK case studies such as Couch Surfers and Ebbsfleet United.

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    Clive Holtham posted a link on 7 December 2008 - 8:04pm.

    Networking by experts via blogs

    Lilia Efimova interviews a diverse range of expert bloggers.

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    Clive Holtham posted a link on 7 December 2008 - 7:58pm.

    A rationale for social networking

    Great example from Simon Berry.

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    Clive Holtham posted a link on 7 December 2008 - 7:23pm.

    Key Questions from Amplified 08

    Very good write up with some pertinent questions from David.

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    Clive Holtham posted a note on 4 December 2008 - 10:33am.


    Posting by Christa Appleton, Univ of Staffs
    Best Practice Forum

    Slideshare allows you to upload PowerPoints (ppt, pdf, pps, pot, odp, keynote) and store them in your personal presentation area. You can share them with colleagues, link to them or embed them in many social network sites, blogs or VLE’s . There is also a facility to synchronise a podcast with your presentation for virtual presenting (a slidecast).

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    Peter Brownell posted a link on 3 December 2008 - 2:11pm.

    The other half of "Artists Ship"

    "It's natural for organizations to learn from mistakes. The problem is, people who propose new checks almost never consider that the check itself has a cost."

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    Clive Holtham posted a link on 30 November 2008 - 6:48pm.

    Future of web 2.0 in the enterprise

    Helpful note by Bill Ives summarising an (expensive) Forrester reports, which suggests podcasts are on a downward curve - not convinced on this, given they have hardly been tried in many enterprises.

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    Clive Holtham posted a link on 30 November 2008 - 6:45pm.

    Web 2.0 for Government

    By and although from a pro web 2 perspective still has plenty of useful thoughts.

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    Clive Holtham posted a link on 28 November 2008 - 8:29pm.

    Network power for Non-Profits

    Substantial report by the Barr Foundation on the impact of networks on philanthropy etc.

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    David Wilcox posted a link on 27 November 2008 - 3:18pm.

    Delivering public service in the digital age

    Last week Tom (Loosemore) participated in a panel event at Channel 4 on what public service means in the digital age, which enabled him to talk about 4iP in more detail. In addition to Tom, the prolific panel was chaired by Reuters journalist Eric Auchard, and included web investor Saul Klein, Chair of Ofsted Zenna Atkins and CFO of, Ryan Regan.

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    David Wilcox posted a link on 26 November 2008 - 12:03pm.

    Tactical Tech

    Tactical Tech is an international NGO helping human rights advocates use information, communications and digital technologies to maximise the impact of their advocacy work. We provide advocates with guides, tools, training and consultancy to help them develop the skills and tactics they need to increase the impact of their campaigning

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    David Wilcox posted a link on 25 November 2008 - 4:18pm.

    Socialreporter | Can Coca Cola save children’s lives?

    One in five children in developing countries die before they are five from simple causes like dehydration. My friend Simon Berry believes he has an idea that could help, as we discussed when we met yesterday to talk about the 2gether08 Festival

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    David Wilcox posted a link on 25 November 2008 - 4:18pm.

    2gether08 | BBC adds more support for Simon’s Coca Cola Campaign

    Simon Berry got a double boost at 2gether08 last week for his campaign to get Coca Cola to use their sophisticated distribution channels for rehydration salts to save children’s lives. Currently 5500 children die each day in Africa from diarrohea.

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    School of Everything is all about meeting up in the real world. Here are some tips on how to arrange your learning and teaching safely.