Relaxing at Vital Detox Retreats


At Vital Detox Retreats there are many ways to relax, rest, cleanse and have fun. We provide a safe, friendly environment in which to kick start the way you want your life to be. If you just want to lose weight and have a rest then you are more than provided for. We also enable clients to re-evaluate and let go of anything that is holding them back from the life they want to live.

We are six dedicated professionals who are experienced at supporting and informing clients to give them the support they need to go back to their lives with more energy and feeling happier and lighter than when they arrived.

Because we think you deserve it the accommodation is supremely comfortable, luxurious and beautifully designed. There are 24 hour spa facilities and daily yoga, meditation, massage, beauty therapies, one-to-one theraputic support, juices, colonics and much more to give you a fresh perspective and a lighter, healthier body to go home in.

For more information just go to the website

Don't be shy, say hello. We'd love to hear from you.

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