Brandalism is a Portmanteau and has many definitions. The Urban Dictionary defines it as the creeping corporatisation of schools, libraries and other public buildings, which are gradually being daubed with company logos and slogans. Coined by graffiti artist Banksy, and expounded on in his book “Wall and Piece”
However there was an earlier citation by —Gareth Branwyn, “Jargon Watch, Wired, February 1999 who defines Brandalism as the increased “defacing” of schools, libraries, and other public spaces with logos, advertisements, and corporate slogans.
My interpretation of this concept can also be related to products and services. How many brands are you currently wearing, consuming, or have eaten today. I would argue that its probably five or more. We’re all victims of brand overdose and over endorsement. How many of us can honestly say we that we haven’t thought about a little bit of brandalism? We can’t go anywhere now without the idea of brand being pushed squeezed or thrown into our faces. see example (Katie Price aka Jordan) as an example.
It would seem that counter culture has become so mainstream that the reason we do things from a brand prospecctive has been forgotten and has been replaced by the satisfaction that is derived from the brand. Brands take note, consumers are not stupid and will only buy into you when you buy into them.