Policy of education

Together with Wolf we have defined the notion of EDUCATION, quite unexpectedly. Education is something that changes the human. Education is the circumstances, where the human is inclined to realize himself as a spiritual being. Education is the possibility to learn to become ANOTHER MYSELF. Education is the possibility to make use of a new MYSELF.

From such a point of view the inspiring examples are the Waldorf and similar schools, ashrams vipassana. They can also be Teaching Drum – a year in the wild after total exhaustion in the office. All of them are aimed at giving the human such conditions and environment, which would «push» him to become curious about the different states of own mind, sense of life, to change the habits and stereotypes, to become different, strong, self assured, to obtain the relation with Higher Ideals – whether the Earth, or Jesus, or simple stillness of mind.
The so called «biological component» of the education – that is working on fresh mountain air, hiking, food, living in tents or house, different events with horses or skis, was stated by Wolf as the main. Because the project requires exact description of the activities and offer the list of them to the potential truth seekers in our places.
Me, in turn, decided that both for me and for the rest of our crew more important and initial would be the SPIRITUAL component of the affair. It and only it is the motive force of our wish to be socially active, learn the world and show it to the others. It includes: questioning, meditations, communication, reflection, listening to oneself, the ability to engage in something. The person with big personal experience of spiritual knowledge should conduct this component. Indeed this is the most interesting part of the project, and at the same time Wolf’s perplexity was quite understandable. This is due to the lack of experiencing many dimensions of himself. Although he wasn’t categorical. Agreed to wait, meditate and see what will happen.

I am aware that I may go too far with my approach of this spiritual basis for normal civilian and could be the threat for the financial part of the project, limited number of the concerned people. But I know that I can work and devote my time, attention and powers only for something that comes from spiritual. All called as biological by us – is just the environment for the creativity, is just the conditions for self realization, intense learning of oneself.

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