ACT for TV

Subjects: acting, Class, Drama, school, tele, television ...
Based in
Manchester, United Kingdom
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ACT for TV is run by Michael Jackson and Chris Maloney – Casting Directors with 35+ years of combined experience.
To help students we use one of three casting tools in our lessons; chat to camera, script work and improvisation or as we move deeper into the course a combination of all three. Over the course Michael and Chris will build on the students’ confidence and improve the students’ realism in front of camera using these techniques.
This is a fantastic opportunity to be seen by casting directors and also to gain valuable experience on how to perform in casting auditions. We stay ahead of our competition by offering a review of each session to the students; firstly online and then on DVD.
Each lesson is filmed and put up on our website the next morning. When students come to the next class they will be given DVDs to take home to watch. Watching yourself on TV is the quickest way to improve your acting skills.
No other workshops provide this level of service and experienced tutorage.

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