Kip McGarth Education Centre West Norwood

Subjects: English, GCSE's, Maths, SATs, Science, 11+ ...
Based in
West Norwood, Greater London, United Kingdom
Kip McGarth Education Centre West Norwood |
Make an enquiry

Having difficulty with SATs, 11+, GCSE's?
Do your teachers say you could do better?
Come to Kip McGrath WN and you will be - we start with a thorough assessment, from this we draw up your learning programme. Each week for 1 hr 20 minutes you work through activities, on a specialised computer programme, worksheets or practical activities, designed to support your learning. Short periods of activity so you don't get bored or frustrated with experienced teachers.

Dyslexia? ADHD? Other needs - we tailor learning programmes to your needs.
Learning can be fun at our centre - free assessment, give us a try.

Don't be shy, say hello. We'd love to hear from you.

[email protected]