MamaBabyBliss Baby Massage and Baby Yoga Courses

Subjects: baby, Massage, parents, yoga
Based in
Nottingham, United Kingdom
MamaBabyBliss Baby Massage and Baby Yoga Courses |
Make an enquiry

We offer soothing 6-week baby yoga and baby massage courses that will help:
Build your baby's digestive system and help with wind and colic
Strengthen your baby's immune system
Settle and soothe your baby and so aid sleep
Develop your baby's neural and sensory motor skills
Heal and strengthen your body after birth
PLUS classes are fun and a wonderful way to make new friends!
Also available-private group bookings one-to -one sessions ,workshops for fathers , couples and grandparents, gift vouchers and gorgeous award winning, natural, organic pamper products for parents and babies.

Don't be shy, say hello. We'd love to hear from you.

[email protected]