Based in
Oxford, Oxfordshire, United Kingdom
Marco Polo Oxford - explore driving |
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Marco Polo Oxford Is More Than A Driving School. If you’re ready to gain your independence and get out on the road, you need more than just a driving school. To excel at this task, you need a knowledgeable instructor that teaches in a supportive environment. We are a dynamic brand, pushing the barriers of driving instruction. All of our clients are issued with a driver record and guided through a complete course of structured tuition. We find this encourages good habits in both learner and instructor and avoids a haphazard or random approach. Whether a first time learner or someone taking refresher lessons, referral to the DSA syllabus is the surest and quickest way to achieve competent and proficient driving attitudes and skills. Our mission and goal is to direct the vast collective experience of our instructors at achieving success for the most cost-effective rates. Whatever your standard, whatever your finances you have found a home at Marco Polo Oxford!!

Don't be shy, say hello. We'd love to hear from you.

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