I have been practising Yoga for over 26 years and now entering my twelfth year of teaching. In addition to the Ashtanga Yoga Primary Series my sadhana (personal practice) incorporates many other aspects of yoga including Japa, Mantra, Pranayama and Vipassana Meditation.
Many schools of yoga influence my teaching. In classes I teach we often simply ‘sit’ at the end of class (this in the influence of Zen). Increasingly incorporated in classes are some meditative practices from the Satyananda Yoga tradition. I took an Initiation into this school 2009 and attained the spiritual name 'Vedanta'.
Other influences to my teaching include Iyengar Yoga, Dru Yoga and Lotus & the Rose. Those who know might be able to recognise the different styles in my teaching.
Twenty six years later my presentation as changed and I have developed a workshop around the concept of ‘Bits & Pieces’ &.’Less is more’.
Looking for: teachers, people to learn with, help and advice, networking, collaboration and interesting things.
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