Resources for French

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    Hawaii Seo posted a note on 20 May 2011 - 6:02am.

    Hawaii Website Design

    Hawaii Website Design , Hawaii SEO

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    Maria Perez posted a link on 29 January 2011 - 5:31pm.

    Spanish Conversation Meetup

    Meetup group to practise your Spanish and meet people.

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    Birgit Deubner posted a link on 25 January 2011 - 1:12am.

    Goethe Institute

    A link to the main website of the Goethe Institute, which I think is a fantastic resource for information on German culture, language learning and german cultural events near you.

    The Goethe institute has centers in main cities all over the world. In England there is one in London and another in Manchester. I recommend you look at their events calender as often they might have film and event evenings. Films are often subtitles or even in English when it's a case of the director being German and the cast English.


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    Solomon Training... posted a link on 12 January 2011 - 3:29pm.

    Skills for Life and Management courses

    Solomon Training website

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    Rebecca Czechowicz posted a link on 5 May 2010 - 4:11pm.

    Southeast Asia Linguistic Maps

    Maps of languages spoken across Southeast Asia from

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    [image]F French Course posted a Image on 20 April 2010 - 2:26am.
    Tailor Made Language - French lessons in London

    Tailor Made Language - French lessons in London

    Tailor Made Language is a French school based in London offering a new and highly tailored approach to French language courses.

    After having taught at University in Mexico, the native-French founder primarily came to London as a French teacher for adults and children and as an Examiner of French Proficiency Exams. She is now a Lecturer in French at Imperial College and South Bank University.

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    Nicolas Fashho posted a note on 11 April 2010 - 2:53pm.

    Private Spanish Classes

    Hello, I am from Spain and I am teacher. I would like to teach Spanish close to Queen´s park but I don´t have any problem if I have to travel.
    My classes always are in spanish (although we can talk in english a little) I think in this way you can improve your listening and your speaking. Usually, I use music, funny exercises, moreover I use my laptop.

    If you would you like see my cv I can sent you.

    One hour are 20 pounds.

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    Christine Lewis posted a link on 21 March 2010 - 11:49am.

    NLN Materials

    The NLN Materials are small, flexible 'bite-sized' episodes of learning. They are not whole courses but are designed to support a wide range of subject and topic areas. They have been funded by the LSC and are available free to all authorised organisations in the post-16 sector.

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    [video]Maria Perez posted a video on 29 January 2010 - 7:59pm.
    Inge Landgraf posted a note on 14 July 2009 - 11:40am.


    It helps me to learn vocabulary and to understand the grammar

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    L von den Driesch posted a link on 11 May 2009 - 5:37am.

    Does an active brain keep dementia away?

    This is the exact link to the program introduced below!

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    L von den Driesch posted a link on 11 May 2009 - 5:33am.

    Learn German and beat Alzheimer's!

    On 22 April Channel 9 (Australia) aired a program on "What's good for you!" about stopping dementia. One of the three case studies examined the effect of learning German on the mental fitness of an elderly person.
    The positive outcome is worth remembering: learning German can have a significant impact on keeping your mental fitness up-to-date.

    What could be a better reason to start learning German now?!


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    Andy Gibson posted a Blog entry on 19 February 2009 - 2:23pm.

    Slang lessons

    Claire and I were in a charity shop by the office, buying suits for the next Formal Friday, and overheard the assistants giving the new Japanese assistant lessons in London slang. Here are a few terms, for those who aren't sufficiently 'street' to know them already:

    'peng' = good/hot
    'butters' = bad/ugly (As in "dem beats is butters man")
    'nang' = good
    'sick' = also good
    'sket' = a slut, a sexually promiscuous girl

    Also enjoyed their exchange with their six-year old sister:
    - 6yo: "Why can't I say 'sket'?"
    - Sister: "Um... because it's offensive"

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    Martin Cosgrove posted a note on 7 February 2009 - 11:13am.

    Give Me More of Your Lip

    This is an article I wrote for the Times Educational Supplement. It was published in their magazine on 7th September 2007. If you are interested in learning Spanish with me online using this revolutionary method, please visit my profile:

    Link to article on TES website:


    Rote learning and memorising lists of verbs are out fluent talking is in, with the Michel Thomas language method. It works by boosting pupils’ confidence, says Martin Cosgrove

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    Claire Medcalf posted a note on 7 February 2009 - 8:00am.

    How To Say 'I Love You' In 5 Languages

    Japanese - Aishiteru

    German - Ich liebe dich

    Italian - Ti amo

    Hawaiian - Aloha wau ia oi

    Hungarian - Szeretlek

    Learn more languages here

    All our love
    Team Everything x

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    Andy Gibson posted a link on 28 December 2008 - 6:42pm.

    Teach yourself Dari

    Nice set of tips on how to speak this particular dialect of Persian - although the techniques could presumably apply to any language.

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    yu cap posted a note on 21 November 2008 - 6:11am.

    learn spanish

    hi,i m direct,a boy from china.i wanna learn spanish because i think it's very interesting and useful.i 'd like to make frieds you and open my eyes to the world,thank you!

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    Hugo Rumens posted a note on 20 October 2008 - 4:07pm.

    Beginning Spanish

    I am hoping to finish my beginners Spanish book before my trip to Madrid.
    I've never learned Spanish before although my French is reasonable.
    The thing is I don't like going abroad and being clueless about the language if I can help it, so even if I can just get the basics I'll be pleased.

    It's interesting that some things in Spanish are very familiar if you know French:

    By foot - à pied (French) - a pie (Spanish)
    Bread - pain (French) - pan (Spanish)
    Wednesday - mercredi (French) - miércoles (Spanish)

    but then at times Spanish is very different:

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    Russell Blakeborough posted a note on 20 October 2008 - 1:46pm.


    I've been having a go at Italian, great fun making it up from Catalan, Latin and Spanish.

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    Image(s) by : Cecile Hournau