Resources for General English

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    Ielts7band posted a link on 1 November 2017 - 1:24pm.

    Ielts7band - Ielts Online Training

    IELTS7BAND, one of the prominent online trainer for IELTS exam preparation, which has an unblemished record of 96% of success rate. It is our pride to furnish here that so far, around 8000 students from all-over the world have succeeded in their IELTS exam, by taking online training through our website.
    IELTS7BAND believes that the level of IQ, the level of concentration and the presence of mind of every student has to be nurtured and tuned in proper way that the student appearing for the IELTS exam, has to come out with assured success.

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    TEEC Online Lear... posted a Document on 4 September 2011 - 1:11pm.

    TEEST Online English Language Proficiency Assessment

    The TEEST Online English Language Proficiency Assessment is a secure, professional web-based assessment designed to accurately and reliably measure the English proficiency of non-native speakers of the language. The assessment scores indicate how well people can communicate in English in non-technical academic and business contexts.

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    TEEC Online Lear... posted a Document on 4 September 2011 - 12:54pm.

    Interactive Online IELTS Course

    TEEC's Online Interactive IELTS Course has been specifically designed to quickly INCREASE STUDENTS’ SKILLS in listening, reading, writing and speaking for the IELTS EXAMINATION.

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    John Oleary posted a link on 12 August 2009 - 2:51pm.

    question on online courses

    Saw this group are listing UK & US English as different whole courses. I clicked through to the provider's website and saw they even have Irish.

    2 questions then:
    1. Is it usual for Business UK & Business US English to be treated as different courses and what do they do differently.
    2. With the Irish language - do they usually mean Gaelic or do we Irish qualify for a new version of English ;-)


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