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    [video]Srinivas nunna posted a video on 3 March 2009 - 9:48am.
    See video

    Find your best rated guru teacher tutor professor and rent books online

    Softscripts was established in the year 2003. Our main motto is to help in eradicating illiteracy from the world ,so we developed a platform connecting tutors ,teachers and professors with students and renting books online in an easier way . Teachers can showcase their classes to the world. Students can reach teachers in a better way . started online quiz for students, teachers. Any one can play weekly quiz and win exiting prizes $50 gift hampers.

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    Srinivas nunna posted a note on 3 March 2009 - 9:46am.

    Find your best rated guru teacher tutor professor and rent books online

    Softscripts was established in the year 2003. Our main motto is to help in eradicating illiteracy from the world ,so we developed a platform connecting tutors ,teachers and professors with students and renting books online in an easier way . Teachers can showcase their classes to the world. Students can reach teachers in a better way . started online quiz for students, teachers. Any one can play weekly quiz and win exiting prizes $50 gift hampers.

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    Peter Brownell posted a link on 28 February 2009 - 3:24pm.

    Stop reading your damn email !

    I was into email about a decade ago. These days I prefer to avoid communication forms that demand my attention. I can definitely recommend ending an email (and twitter) (and RSS) addiction.

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    Paul Henkel posted a link on 22 February 2009 - 11:00am.

    OpenSource Study Tools - A short presentation

    For a presentation for other students at Roskilde University, I created this presentation of various (mostly) free software tools/services for introducing them in ways to use the internet and their computer in ways that makes studying or their life in general 'easier' in some sense.

    At the end of the pdf there are links to the Keynote-file to the presentation so that people can modify it further if desired. (I'll see if I can save it as a PowerPoint as well if any of you are interested)

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    Martin Cosgrove posted a link on 7 February 2009 - 11:22am.

    Beginning Meditation Podcast

    My 12 part Beginning Meditation podcast. If you are interested in booking a live online session with me to connect with that stillness inside yourself and have your questions about meditation answered, please visit my profile:

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    Hugo Rumens posted a link on 3 February 2009 - 5:31pm.

    Techcrunch interview with founder

    Interesting short interview with Robert Kalin who started Etsy.

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    Open Minds posted a note on 6 January 2009 - 1:22pm.

    We are recruiting freelance artists (Sheffield)

    We are recruiting CRB checked freelance artists
    We are recruiting CRB checked freelance artists who can deliver workshops for after school clubs around Sheffield (starting Feb/March 2009) Please send CVs and details to [email protected]

    Good rates of pay.

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    Adrian Wilkinson posted a note on 26 December 2008 - 11:23am.

    New 2009 brochure available

    I know that it is only just past Christmas, but thought that you would want to be the first to know that our latest 2009 information brochure is available.

    A "must have" for any serious business student or corporate training manager.

    email - [email protected] - today & we will be delighted to send you a copy

    Happy New Year!

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    Dougald Hine posted a link on 1 December 2008 - 2:32pm.

    The Folksy ruler

    One of the things I really like about (the UK-based crafts marketplace) is the cool stuff they make to promote the site. Looking through their Flickr stream, there are plenty of other examples of them getting involved with the community of people who make and sell stuff through the site.

    There's lots of inspiration there for us at School of Everything - and for any other startup that's trying to find playful ways to spread the word about a useful service.

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    Simon Hedley posted a link on 21 November 2008 - 8:39am.

    Essential reading - read this change your life

    This is a great collection of books that are not just motivational but really life changing, with interesting perspectives and more.. as the name says Read This Change Your Life at

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    Clive Holtham posted a link on 16 November 2008 - 11:13am.

    Steve Bridger Fundraising Slideshare

    great range of material covered

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    Hugo Rumens posted a note on 10 November 2008 - 5:06pm.

    ssh tunnels

    I have been trying to get my head around ssh tunnels lately as I need to be able to access a development web server on our private network that doesn't have an IP accessible from the internet.
    It's taken me a while to understand what is going on; it can be pretty confusing.

    I'd recommend the following for a good explanation of what ports are used, e.g. when your browser requests a page:

    And I thought this was probably the best single page explanation of tunneling:

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    Unlimited Resources

    Every member of School of Everything can add notes, links, videos, images, documents and other things to the site that help people learn or teach a particular subject. If you're learning, you can use it to keep track of your progress in your subjects and all the things that help you learn like useful websites or how-to videos.

    If you're teaching, you can share useful resources and advice that you think will help people learn you subjects. You can tag each resource post with one or more subjects, and your posts will appear to other people looking for those subjects.

    Learn more.

    Don't be shy, say hello. We'd love to hear from you.

    [email protected]

    Stay safe

    School of Everything is all about meeting up in the real world. Here are some tips on how to arrange your learning and teaching safely.