Amanda Sington-Williams

Novel writing teacher

Based in
Brighton, East Sussex, United Kingdom
Also teaches in Brighton
Amanda  Sington-Williams | Novel writing teacher

Rates: £80 (|£70 concessions)

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I am a published novelist and short story writer. I am a judge for a short story competition. I have an MA in Creative Writing and Authorship from Sussex University and won an award from The Royal Literary Fund for my first novel, The Eloquence of Desire.

Two hour sessions on alternate Wednesday evenings from 7-9pm – next course starts 9th March 2011.

The course takes participants through the stages of writing a novel: planning the novel, characterisations, narrative voice, plot development, creating tension, dialogue, use of flashbacks etc. The tutor provides text examples to illustrate each point.

Students also give guided feedback on their own writing as it progresses. This is done fairly on a rota basis.

During one session a publisher will talk to the group about the process of getting published and answer questions.

This group is suitable for anyone who wants to write a novel, or has started one and feels they need guidance.

Tutor: Amanda (Sington) Williams

Contact: Amanda on email [email protected] for detailed course plan

Group Classes

Write that Novel

9th March Session 1. Planning a novel. Building believable characters. What will happen to them in the novel? What incident(s) effects them and their set of beliefs? Text examples
Homework: 3 students prepare writing for feedback session in Session 2.

23rd March Session 2. Narrative voice. Making a decision about 1st person or third person, past or present tense or switching narrative viewpoint. Text examples. What are the benefits and drawbacks of the decision? As it is so important to get the narrative voice right, two sessions will be dedicated to this.
Guided feedback session on 3 student’s own writing.
Homework: 3 different students prepare writing for feedback session in Session 3

6th April Session 3. Narrative voice continued. Making a decision about 1st person or third person, past or present tense or switching narrative viewpoint. Text examples. What are the benefits and drawbacks of the decision? Guided feedback session on 3 student’s own writing
Homework: 3 different students prepare writing for feedback session in Session 4

20th April Session 4 Writing the first chapter. What to include. What to avoid. Making the reader want to know more Text examples. Guided feedback session on 3 student’s own writing
Homework: 3 different students prepare writing for feedback session in Session 5

4th May Session 5. Creating tension. Writing so the reader wants to turn the pages. Plot development. Sub-plots. Text examples. Hemingway. Objective narrator. Stream of consciousness. Guided feedback session on 3 student’s own writing
Homework: 3 different students prepare writing for feedback session in Session 6

BREAK (Hanover Centre not available)

1st June Session 6. Location. Weather. The senses. How to use the location, weather and the senses to bring the writing alive. Text examples. Guided feedback session on 3 student’s own writing
Homework: 3 different students prepare writing for feedback session in Session 7

15th June Session 7. Writing Dialogue. How to make it believable and life like. Text examples
Guided feedback session on 3 student’s own writing
Homework: 3 different students prepare writing for feedback session in Session 8
29th June Session 8. Flashbacks and description. Use of adverbs and adjectives. Text examples. Guided feedback session on 3 student’s own writing
Homework: 3 different students prepare writing for feedback session in Session

13th July Session 9. Editing your writing. Text examples. Layout of manuscript.
Guided feedback session on 3 student’s own writing. Homework: 3 different students prepare writing for feedback session in Session 10

27th July Session 10. Writing a synopsis
Writing a letter to publisher’s/agents
Guided feedback session on student’s own writing.

* Topics are fluid and may overlap according to student’s interests and needs.
* Text examples will be provided by the tutor.
* All participants will have the same opportunity to receive feedback on their work.

If available Myriad Editions will give a talk on getting published with Q and A during one of the later sessions

It's a: 
Hanover Community Centre
33 Southover Street, Brighton, United Kingdom
Date and time: 
9th March start. From 7-9 pm. Every alternate Wednesdays with break in May. Last date 27th July
£80 (£70 Concessions)

Educational history

MA Arts

September, 2007 - September, 2009
Sussex University

MA Arts

September, 2007 - September, 2009
Sussex University
Last year, nine students enrolled on my course and they all worked hard and it was a pleasure to teach them and see how their writing improved. They all started out with different writing experiences. Some had never written a word of fiction and two students already had an MA in Creative Writing, but had never attempted a novel. During the course, one of my students was short-listed in a novel writing competition, and another student had two short stories published for the first time.


Aimed at: Beginner and Intermediate.

Last login: 14 years 7 weeks ago

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