Andy Walker

art teacher

Based in
Cox, Spain
Also teaches in and I also lead some painting holidays in Spain and the UK, Courses are online
Andy Walker | art teacher

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I started painting when I was very small, and was encouraged by an aged aunt who herself was an artist. She gave me confidence that I could paint and draw, and I just grew up loving it. As time went by I worked as a missionary for a while, and was able to partially support myself by getting illustrations published. Later I moved into hand-painting with glazes onto ceramic tiles, and for several years made a living by taking commissions for tiled murals.
I now paint in watercolours, acrylics and oils and in the past few years have written and published courses in painting and drawing. You can find these at I have also taught a regular weekly art class for the past seven years and have run and taught various painting holidays.


Aimed at: Beginner and Intermediate.
Online teaching offered


Join my watercolour, acrylics and drawing courses online, or just sign up for more news-and-info which includes special offers, hints and tips, and details of painting holidays. There is a full 30 day money back guarantee on my online courses.

Last login: 10 years 29 weeks ago

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