Boon Mung Mee

martial arts sensei

Based in
Birmingham, United Kingdom
Also teaches in Birmingham
Boon Mung Mee | martial arts sensei

Make an enquiry

Boon Mung Mee is a martial arts school based in Bournville Birmingham.
The school teaches a new perspective in Martial Arts that focusses on the effect rather than the form.

The teachings reflect the founders belief of nurturing individualism and diversity in application.

The school has been in operation for 4 years now and is run by the founder and 2 of his proteges.

The foundation is in Muay Thai on which concepts from, Burma, Laos, Cambodia, Indonesia, Philipino, Malay, Japanese and Chinese are then applied.

For more info & Videos, Please visit the following;

Facebook:siam fitnessUK
You Tube: Boon Mung Mee

Group Classes

Silat Suffian Bela Diri - Guru Maul Mornie

Come and experience the teachings of Martial Art Sensation Guru Maul Mornie of Silat Suffian Bela Diri.

The seminar will focus on aspects of open hand, knife, scarf techniques.
This is a must for those looking for a smooth and effortless understanding in movement with maximum effect.

See him on You Tube: maul 565

For more information or to book your place, please contact

Shaun Sabin
Email: [email protected]
tel: (+44) (0) 7792 165 485


email:[email protected]
tel: (+44) (0) 7515 381 409

It's a: 
Boon Mung Mee Martial Arts School
Bournville, Birmingham, United Kingdom
Date and time: 
March 21st 2010 & 26th June 2010 1pm-5pm.
25 per person

Boon Mung Mee Training - All Abilities

Please visit the website for more information or to contact the instructors.

It's a: 
Dame Elizabeth Cadburys College - Sport Hall
Woodbrooke Road, Birmingham, United Kingdom
Date and time: 
Every Monday 7-9pm
18+ £10 & juniors £5


Aimed at: Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced.

Last login: 14 years 14 weeks ago

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[email protected]

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