Brenda Steel
I am the Secretary of dance team Lizzie Dripping, a women's traditional dance side, and we are on the look-out for new members. We don't dance a particular Morris style: we have some dances which are drawn straight from the tradition, such as a Hebridean Weaving Dance, a Shetland Reel or a Manx dance called 'Mona's Delight'. Others are choreographed by the team using tradiitonal dance steps and include step routines based on clog and tap steps. We perform at events such as folk festivals, where we often run workshops from beginner to advanced level. We are based in Sheffield and meet on a Wednesday evening from 8pm-10pm to practice for bookings and to learn new dances. We dance to live (acoustic) music and although the dance team is women-only our band of musicians includes men and we welcome new musicians as well as dancers. Team members pay a subscription (currently £10 a month) which covers the cost of hiring the hall where we practice. If you search for Lizzie Dripping on YouTube there are some clips of us dancing at our 25th Anniversary Weekend in Sheffield in 2007.
If you'd like more information please email me at [email protected] or call on 0114 231 4596.
Last login: 12 years 26 weeks ago
Don't be shy, say hello. We'd love to hear from you.