Chris Thompson

Wing Chun or Ving Tsun teacher

Based in
Southend-on-Sea, United Kingdom
Also teaches in England, Essex, southend-on-sea
Chris  Thompson | Wing Chun or Ving Tsun teacher

Rates: Kids 8-14 years old £3.50 a session.Adults 15 years old upwards £5 a session.

Make an enquiry

Call today on 0843-289-4912 or Mobile 077-22-88-2602.
My name is Chris Thompson.I teach Wing Chun Kung-fu also known as Ving Tsun Kung-fu in the Southend-On-Sea Essex area of England,UK.
I have set up the Wing Chun Kuen Do Association to teach Wing Chun and I run Classes for beginners,intermediate and advance students. New students welcome and the first lesson is free to new students if they have not been to the school before.

I have had 25 years experience in Wing Chun and I am a permanent and full member of both the Ving Tsun Athletic Association and the Yip Man Martial Arts Athletic Association.

I first received a certificate to teach from Sigong`s Ip Chun and Siu Yuk Men of the Ving Tsun Athletic Association in October 2000.
I wanted to progress my Wing Chun even further so in 2002 Sigong Ip Chun suggested I meet and introduced me to Sigong Sam Lau (Lau Kung Shing). Sam Lau was a student of the late Ip Man, father of Ip Chun and Ip Ching, Sam Lau was also mentored by the late Moy Yat. Sam Lau agreed to give me a week trail where I showed him all my forms and he tested my skills. He then took me on as a student. This was made official in 2003 when Sigong Sam Lau accepted me as an official student by Bai Si tea ceremony. I then spent the next 4 years flying back and forth to Hong Kong to learn from Sam Lau, sometimes staying for up to 6 months at a time. I have also taught students at Sam Lau`s School and appeared in a Chinese television advert for him with a couple of my own students I bought over with me from the UK.

I am second a generation disciple on the lineage of the late Ip Man as displayed in the Ip Man Ving Tsun Genealogy Book.

I am recognised by Some of Ip Man Students such as Sunny Tang, Lee Wai Chi, Siu Yuk Men and of course Ip Chun and Ip Ching. I also had the honour to meet and discussed Wing Chun on a couple of occasions with the late Sigong Lok Yui who trained the Hong Kong police and was also a student of the late Ip Man.

On the 15th of October 2005 I attended and took part in the first World Traditional Martial Arts Competition in Zhengzhou China.The Yip Man Martial Arts Association was invited to the event by the International Wushu Federation and by the Chinese Wushu Association and it was the first time that Wing Chun/Ving Tsun has been included in any Wushu event.I took part by request and as a representative of Sifu Sam Lau (Lau Kung Shing) and the Yip Man Martial Arts Association.Of course I was eager to take up the offer.I achieved 3 silver medals at the event.

I have also featured in and demonstrated for the Chinese martial arts HERO magazine at their 35th Adversary.

I now teach in the Southend-On-Sea,Essex area.

Group Classes

Ladies only and mixed classes self defence

I have a full time school in Queens Road, Southend on
Shaolin Martial Arts

Supplies of equipment, and classes of traditional, and practical Wing Chun. That works..

Also classes of tai chi ... Nunchakus.....

Also women's self defence courses, and kids classes too.

Different but good, we also have belly dancing at the location.

It's a: 
29 queens road, Southend on sea, Essex, United Kingdom
Date and time: 
Pop into shop for details of all available classes
From £ 5.00 per session


Aimed at: Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced.

Last login: 12 years 9 weeks ago

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