Dawn Woodward
We have Male & Female Instructors with at least 19 years experience and top grades.
For peace of mind all our instructors conform to the DSA Code of Practice and are CRB checked.
With the national average pass rate at only 43% we are proud to have acheived at least an 80% Pass Rate.
We have modern Air conditioned Manual and Automatic Vehicles.
We hold the following qualifications and are trained to help you achieve the same:
* RoSPA Advanced Gold Standard.
* Institute of advanced Motorist (IAM)
* BTEC Award in Driving Science - We have 2 of only 50 instructors in the country qualified to teach this academic driving qualification. for more details of this exciting qualification and big insurance discounts visit www.A2om.com/btec.
* Driving Instructor Training Parts 1 - 3.
* Diamond Accredited Taxi Trainer (DATT) Do you love driving - how about a change of career? We are Diamond Approved Taxi Trainers. With this expert knowledge we can help put you in the driving seat of your own taxi or private hire company.
* Certificate in Counselling to help with any test nerves and Driving Phobias.
* Certificate in Human Performance to help understand your capabilities as a driver.
We also provide courses to the local council for Speed Awareness and National Driver improvement, UK familiarisation and safer driving practices. But why wait to be caught. If you are always wondering what the speed limits are we guarantee an hour with us and you will wonder no more. If you are new to driving in the UK we'll help you adjust to your new surroundings.
We can also offer semi intensive courses over 3 - 8 weeks for those that want a faster pass option.
For the Company car driver we offer risk assessments.
Whilst some instructors never improve theirselves and are happy with just an ADI (Green Badge) we are constantly improving our skills. This year alone we have done the following Continual Professional Development (CPD) DIA presentation skills, DIA advanced Driving Test, DIA coaching and assessment, DSA fleet driver, NVQ level 3 Driving Instruction. We are committed to CPD to help us to help you be the best driver you can be.
Good Instructors are well qualified with years of experience and don't come cheap.
Now that you've found us if you need friendly advice or to arrange your first lesson call the above number. Be the Best You Can Be. A test pass is just the beginning.
One-to-one lessons
48 hour cancellation policy or we regret that a charge may be made
Last login: 14 years 39 weeks ago
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Don't be shy, say hello. We'd love to hear from you.
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