Elisabeth Charbonneau
I run my own production company. My film Kochana Cafe which I wrote, co-produced and performed in was awarded by the UK film Council and awarded by the Baltimore Women's film festival.
You can view clips of my work on www.itaintporn.com
I have been in the industry for over ten years, working in the capacity of actress/writer/director/producer/art director. I teach for Centre Stage as well as LAW (London Actors Workshop) I also teach privately and work with students according to their individual needs.
All my students get plenty of on camera time, plus tips and advise on how to get work in the industry. I also teach screen writing courses.
I offer style consultation sessions. I have worked as a stylistest for the Nivea Style Show, advising people with what colours suit them, and what clothes suit their body shape, as well as what hair styles suit their face. It's advisable to think about this before getting your headshots.
Students wishing to book a private coaching session, must pay in advance. Classes can be moved to another day, for audition purposes, or illness, or family emergencies.
Last login: 12 years 45 weeks ago
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