Bristol Jewellery .Workshops

jewellery teacher

Based in
Bristol, United Kingdom
Also teaches in Barton Hill, Bristol, In Bristol Studio
Bristol Jewellery  .Workshops | jewellery teacher

Rates: £135/120

Make an enquiry Phone: 07833 788219

***Jewellery Workshops

held at 'In Bristol Studio, Barton Hill Trading Estate, Bristol

... This studio provides excellent facilities and inspirational work area in which you will be guided through the jewellery making processes by an experienced teacher.

In these hands on workshops and courses you can learn and practice basic metalworking skills, receive demonstrations and guidance on a variety of traditional techniques, whilst designing and creating your own pieces.

Over the 6 weeks you will cover all basic skills relating to traditional jewellery making; annealing, forming, soldering, picking, filing, sanding,textures, polishing, use of rolling mill, doming blocks, stone setting & fusing techniques -plus others if there’s time! Leaving with your own beautiful pieces of silver jewellery.

Times- Thurs 18.30-21.00
Next course starts Thurs 9 February for 6 weeks

Please email for further dates and one day course info.

There will also be the opportunity to continue developing your new found skills, with future courses as all courses operate in 6 week blocks and continue throughout the year.

Cost £135/ Concessions £120

Small class size-max 7

*****************ALL TOOLS PROVIDED***************
however material costs are additional


Aimed at: Beginner and Intermediate.

Make an enquiry Phone: 07833 788219

Last login: 11 years 16 weeks ago

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