Giselle Tucker

Classical Piano for all ages and levels (4+and adults) teacher

Based in
Santiago, Chile
Also teaches in At my home in Penalolen
Giselle Tucker | Classical Piano for all ages and levels (4+and adults) teacher

Rates: 60.000 chilean pesos per mes, 4 clases per mes

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Pianist Giselle Tucker began her piano studies at the age of 9, studying with Ruth Goode, graduate of the Peabody Conservatory of Music in Baltimore, Maryland. At age 16, she won first place at the TMTA (Texas Music Teachers Association) Student Affiliate Piano Solo Competition at the State Convention in Houston, Texas. At age 18, she was awarded a full-tuition scholarship at Rice University´s Shepherd School of Music, Houston, Texas. During her stay at Rice, she studied piano with Mary Norris, an alumni of the Curtis Institute of Music, and she performed in numerous recitals as piano soloist and accompanist. In 1982, she performed the first movement of Ravel´s Piano Concerto in G with the Sam Houston State orchestra in Huntsville, Texas. She has performed in Master classes given by Dr. John Perry and Larry Waltz. While at Rice, she also attained membership on the President´s Honor Roll for academic excellence.

She left Rice to study with pianist, Dr. John Paul, and at Lamar University she completed her Bachelor´s of Music degree with emphasis in Piano Performance. She was accepted as Teaching Assistant in the music studio of Dr. Edward and Laura Shmider, Russian immigrants who had previously been faculty members of the Gnessin School for gifted children in Moscow.

When the Shmiders moved to Los Angeles, Miss Tucker took over the music studio and the music instruction of over 40 young students. She ran her private music studio for 8 years, and Miss Tucker´s students participated in Student Affiliate, Piano Guild and two public recitals during the school year. Miss Tucker also held the position of music teacher in a public school program for gifted children in Pt. Arthur, Texas from 1984 to 1986. While living in the States, she was a member of the Music Teachers National Association, a professional organization dedicated to the advancement of music in the United States.

Teaching Philosophy: “The process of learning to play the piano is of utmost importance. Therefore, I place great emphasis in how to practice and achieve the best results through thoughtful use of practice time at the piano. The importance of technique and tone production is emphasized from the start of piano study, and technical facility is seen as a vehicle to achieve greater rapport with partituras. My goal as educator is to produce musicians, not technicians. Listening skills are emphasized early on. During lessons I am demanding, but affectionate and I expect my students to work in a disciplined manner. Piano lessons, and playing music in general, are viewed as joyful and stimulating endeavors. Long term goals for my students include playing piano as a creative outlet for self-expression, learning the importance of discipline and responsibility, and developing a love of music that will endure with them throughout their lifetimes.”

Educational history

Master of Science

September, 1993 - March, 1995
University of North Texas


Aimed at: Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced.


Matricula $60.000 chilean pesos.

Last login: 11 years 31 weeks ago

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