Glennis Rogerson

Tai Chi instructor

Based in
Skegness, Lincolnshire, United Kingdom
Also teaches in Skegness and East of England
Glennis Rogerson | Tai Chi instructor

Rates: £2 per lesson for Tai chi and for the Distance Learning the lessons are £5 each see the web site. email for fuller details.

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I charge very little for the subjects I teach so no one is unable to afford the therapy education I offer. The courses can be Distant Learning or at Skegness, and include Aromatherapy, Nutrition, Chinese Medicine, I Ching, Healing, Phytotherapy/Herbal Medicine and Tai chi. These subjects cost £5 a lesson and all course notes are on one CD, which costs £5 to purchase from me. For the syllabus see the web site.

I am qualfied to teach having gained a CertEd in Business Studies, Social Sciences and Music and Movement. [Secondary, Further and Higher education]. Also CRB checked fully enhanced and insured. I am also a member of the International Budo Association and the All British Martial Arts Club. Registered as an Instructor with Tai Chi Club of Great Britain.

All courses can be insured, if you wish to insure through me then you must also take the Spiritual/Holistic Healing Course. I am secretary of Healers 2006.

The Tai Chi and Gentle exercise I teach are ideal for those who are disabled or who wish to take part in a slower system of exercise. I charge £2 for 90 minutes, in Skegness.

This is seated or standing Tai chi and perfectly OK if you are able-bodied or disabled. The Tutor is disabled with arthritis [RA and OA] and uses Tai chi to keep the diseases at bay. Your Tutor has a Black Sash or First Dan and intends to take the Second Dan in 2013.

Members of the Palms Tai Chi Club are encouraged to assist each other. Forms taught include Shaolin, Wu and Sun. It gives me great joy to see someone I have taught passing on their knowledge, though I do make sure they are teaching safely of course. We laugh and have fun whilst learning. I am able to communicate a little in BSL.

All Members are currently working for sashes of grades, grading is free as are the Certificates; sashes cost £4.50 each and the pass book is 60p. Insurance is provided through my Block Insurance with Balens. The Palms Tai Chi Club is affilated to the International Budo Association and also the All British Martial Arts. The Assistant Instructor is a 4th Dan in Kung Fu.


Teaching Experience

1957 to 1969 worked in three firms of Chartered Accountants.

1969 to 1978 Evening Classes ILEA FE AND HE, Law, Accountancy, Economics and Constitutional Law, Commercial Law and Company Law to all Final Professional Courses

1970/72 at Southlands College Wimbledon

1972 to 1976 Comprehensive School In SE London and taught Commerce, Economics, Law, Accounts, Sociology, Constitution and Country Dancing and Movement.

1976 to 1980 Suffolk College Law and Accounts to ACA/ACCA/and professional Courses.

Methodist Youth Leader 1959 to 1995. Duke of Edinburgh's Award Scheme organiser from 1964 to 1995 and Gold Award Holder.

Complementary Therapies and Tai Chi taught since 1995 as I gained more qualfications. Studied in UK, USA and Australia.

Jun 1969 - Nov 2010

Educational history


September, 1960
Evening Classes, USA and Australia and Teacher Training in London
1957 to 1968 Study at Evening Classes and Weekends. 1970 to 1972 at Teacher Training College and 1995 to 2002 I studied in USA and Brisbane. Now I study Dim-mak, Biomechanics and for Ministerial Qualifications - Preaching since 1982. My life has been one big study time. I have been told by the Martial Arts Clubs I belong to that I will be expedited through the Dan grades because of my experiences. Gained Brown Sash in October 2010 and take my Black sash early in 2011.


Aimed at: Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced.
Online teaching offered


I enjoy Tai chi as it keeps me healthy and have taught since 1998 in Womans Institute and U3A as well as in California USA and Australia. Began learning in 1984 and since 1995 learnt as part of my ND course. I am qualfied in Accountancy, Law, Medicine and as a Teacher. Have PhD Immunology, ND HD HMD and IAAMA [Aust] and many other subjects. In 2012 I wrote a course on Biomechanics for the Black Sash and 2nd Dan, I am also a Minister of Religion and happy to preach locally in the Skegness area if asked.

Do email me from the web site for info. Once I know you are bone fide I will give you further links to contact me. My home is in Skegness Lincolnshire.

I am happy to help anyone study of any age. Have been a Careers Teacher in London and to help someone obtain work is a privilege. I keep prices low to help anyone who wants to learn to learn.

Last login: 12 years 24 weeks ago

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