Helene Su
One-to-one lessons
Group Classes
Vinyasa Flow Yoga into Elemental Dance
Slow down the mental chatter and drop into our physical bodies. Using yogic techniques and somatic awareness to focus on breath, our breathing will relax and become more rhythmic, our nervous system calmed and soothed. Combining somatic yoga, yin yoga and creative vinyasa flows our bodies soften, relax and warm up as we arrive. We then deepen into free flow movement and dance, inspired and supported by the elements of nature.
The course will run for 5 weeks. Each week we will explore a specific element, to shift blockages and invite fluidity into our body and mind, in a luxurious 2 hour session. The 5th week, we will have a day long workshop where we can drop deeper into our bodies and our “dance” of life, to a place of reflection and celebration. Aside from asana and dance we will also use pranayama, healing Taoist sounds, toning and mudra. If you would like to find more ease in your body, freedom in your movement practice and a flow and presence in life, then this course is for you. You may even emerge smiling and glowing!
Week 1 Earth Yoga Earth Dance
Week 2 Water Yoga Water Dance
Week 3 Fire Yoga Fire Dance
Week 4 Air Yoga Air Dance
Week 5 Ether Yoga Ether Dance
When: Tuesday 8th, 15th, 22nd October 10am - 12. Drop-in price £15
29th October Half-term. No class
Tuesday 5th, 12th November 10-am – 12.
For further info see www.danceofbreath.com
Educational history
Yoga and Dance
Last login: 11 years 17 weeks ago
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