The Healing Code
Check out our web sites for details of exact locations. We shall be running over 60 workshops this year.
Rates: £60 per hour
Having spent most of my earlier career in personnel and training, I became a psychotherapist and certified NLP trainer in 1995. We offer training courses all over the UK and Greece and Eire, and one-to-one sessions in Warrington, and by telephone and Skype anywhere in the world for people and animals.
We also run Healing Code, Healing Code applied to Success, Diana and Healing Revolutions workshops. See our web sites for more.
Check out our web sites for details of exact locations. We shall be running over 60 workshops this year.
Our courses are all priced differently. Please check web site for details. All courses have a money-back guarantee.
Last login: 12 years 43 weeks ago
Don't be shy, say hello. We'd love to hear from you.