Supernova Cheerleading Squad
The Supernova Cheerleading Squad is a new cheer squad about to start in September 2012 in High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire, UK.
This squad will be focused on learning routines to compete at Regional & National Competitions throughout the year.
There are no try-outs and everyone aged 8 upwards is welcome to try!
NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY! Although it is a bonus, everything will be taught by an experienced, qualified, insured coach from scratch so even complete beginners can join in.
We are currently looking for people interested in joining this September (2012). We welcome EVERYONE, guys and girls, from the age of 8 upwards to adult whether or not you have cheered before! You do not have to be flexible and it is never too late to start! All we ask is that you are enthusiastic and willing to learn :)
We are in the final stages of finalising logistics such as the best place to train but you can register your interest by contacting us. As this is a voluntary-led, non-profit squad, most of the membership fee will go solely towards venue hire and competition fees and so prices cannot be confirmed until numbers can be accurately estimated.
Contact us at [email protected] for more information or to register your interest!