John Jones

Sun style tai chi teacher

Based in
Porthcawl, County Borough of Bridgend, United Kingdom
Also teaches in Wales
John Jones | Sun style tai chi teacher

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Attended Bargoed Grammar School then The university of Glamorgan graduating with a Civil Enging degree in 1964. Chartered Civil and Structural Engieer now retired. Practiced various martial arts, Fourth Dan in Japanese Aikido. More recently Tai Chi. Recognised by The Tai Chi Union of Great Britain as an advanced(A grade)instructor of Tai Chi.

Started the Swimming Dragon School of Sun Style Tai Chi in the chinese year of the dragon 2000, in Porthcawl South Wales. We are a non profit organisation with voulunteer instructors with various clubs in Bridgend County Borough. Our non profit status means our fees are minimal.

We study all aspects of the internal arts of the Sun family under the guidance of Mr David Martin of Leicester, a direct second generation disciple of Sun Jianyun, daughter of the originator, Sun Lutang.

As well as local classes in Sun Style arts, we offer instructor training in Sun Style Tai Chi in a special short, easy to learn and do programme, called Variable Easy Tai Chi (VETCH).
It is very similar to the internationally famous TCA programme taught by Dr Paul Lam but differs in that it is based on the Sun Lutang 97 forms, has a different structure, the instructors licenses that we award are national not international, and are valid for life, not two years.
We hope that members of communities in Wales will come to us to learn the VETCH programme and be thereby enabled to quickly set up their own independant clubs or groups, bringing the benefits of the VETCH exercise programme to their own community.

The easy stepping Sun Style of Tai Chi has gained a reputation in recent years as the ideal exercise for older people, particularly those with joint problems such as arthritis.
Younger people may also enjoy the martial aspects.


Aimed at: Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced.

Last login: 10 years 31 weeks ago

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